
Friday, July 4, 2008

Monday is youth day! It just occurred to me that I lack the smooth flow in blogging like what I had in the past cause there isn't much happening in my life..

Why why??

I haven't been studying for O level. Brought my chemistry file home and I'm starting my revision tomorrow. Was supposed to meet diana for cip at NLB but she messaged me that she got a sudden change of mind - lazy.
This bloody mosquito sucked my blood with a attached to her straw. And my shin is feeling so itchy. Like a couple of ants parading on the red mark.
This is what you call environmental friendly.

Layer 1.
Layer 2.
Then a layer 3.

I kept my japan spoon and korea chopstick in my school bag but I haven't got the chance to use it yet. Someone ask me to eat like sushi or something can?

Cause they only provide disposable chopsticks :)
Girls playing ruby.
Guys playing soccer.
Me admiring my double tongue and..
staring at my phone blankly.
It's youth day on monday!!

Everybody below 35 is considered as youth as told my Ms Zaleha.
& we got ice-cream from the teachers.
Sweets and chocolates as well.

Suhaib called me in the morning lying to me that he needs to do something so his not attending PE. Drop the pretence!! You hate PE. hahaha.

Traffic Light.

Hokkaido fair.

I remember seeing a peh peh standing there eating the samples non-stop. The auntie told me that he have been standing there for a whole 15 to 20 minutes eating the samples -.-
yeah yeah. Diana got a change of idea so I thought of going to NLB alone but the lady told me I have to register online, wait for their call before I'm able to do CIP.

Do you think I wanna do CIP?! People like junior gets self-study and I get this kind of shit. wasting my precious time in a damn library when I can study for O level. I'm looking for li jing on monday.
I saw the advert while watching TV and they're giving a bag hook for every July issue of ELLE purchased. The last time I bought ELLE was last year cause they were having this Toiletries Pouch kit which I use to keep my pads. and a small one filled with almost nothing.

Note* I'm not kiam siap (stingy in dialect) but I always read female, seventeen, teens, teenage, lime, cleo..

I love sunshine!

Mum, bro and me had dinner and went to NTUC. I bought this.
& I still want my butter sugar!!

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