
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


post kali ni agak drastik skit sbb sekarang ni pun ramai gak manusia yg membuang bayi merata2. tapi ni bukannya orang buang baby tp me and nina putting my Adli dalam kotak.. hahaha

ni la dia pelakon cilik dok dlm kotak..

agak2nya kalau aku jumpa baby yg ditinggalkan gerenti aku ambik bawak balik!! apa lah seorang baby yang tak tau ape2 ditinggalkan camtu je,takde rasa bersalah ke sebelum manusia yg nk tinggalkan baby merata ni?? hissshhh,klu aku jumpa org camni dh sah2 aku lanyak cukup2.

kalau dh terfikir nk buang baby tu baik korang tak payah ada otak sbb tak guna akal fikiran waras korang ngan betul. baik korang guna otak anjing ke!! *huissshh marah betul ni* aku ni bukannya ape,everytime baca news psl org buang baby ni sampai tak bernyawa,aku mcm nk kuarkan air mata je,apa la salahnya kalau baby tu bagi kt orang.. ramai lagi pasangan yang memerlukan anak. ada tu sampai berbelas tahun kahwin tp takde anak,ni manusia yg senang2 lempar baby merata tu,pi la bagi kt golongan memerlukan.

hendaknya ape yg manusia buang baby ni, dpt balasan secukupnya di akhirat dan itu doa aku utk golongan takde otak buang baby ni!!


*hanya sekadar hiasan*
comelnya budak ni aka my Adli dok dlm kotak kena dera ngan mak Nina dia...

setakat ni je aku merapu dh tak tau nk bebel ape lgi..



Selasa ari tu pagi2 lagi door bell dh berbunyi,i thought it was nina nk sending mama Yang to airport but last skali eddie bgitau org pos laju dtg. rupanya pagi2 lgi aku dh dpt parcel tertera nama aku and sender from Kamarul Nizam aka abg.Kem and wifey Kak Zuria..*thank u so much both of u*

isn't it cute??? tak tgk dlmnye lgi cute....hehehe


so dh dpt parcel ni,terfikir gak aku ape benda la agaknya dlmnye ye!!! and thats it,7 pcs baju for my Adli...and it so lovely..

i told my mum that Adli dpt baju raya from paklong Kem and maklong Zuria.. until now baju tu masih lgi ada dlm kotak and plastik,sayang lak nk bukak. so Adli kena tunggu time raya la ye baru boleh pakai baju ni.

shiiishhhhh...malas betul aku nk tulis panjang2...

bubyeee je la


My love & hate relationship with my fringe.

I always kept my fringe short. Cos I always get irritated by my not-long-not-short messy fringe.. and ended up snapping it shorter. But I had been keeping my fringe till now.... trying to grow it long longer~
BUT! I am getting more & more irritated by it. So flat, my hairline not nice etc etc. BUT!! if I cut short, it will make my face look fatter.. and its boring, cos I had it short for many years already. ARGGGHHHH. Okay... thinking my fringe's fate now.
and happy JULY month!!!


weekend ari tu pi jalan2 carrefour wangsa maju with hubby and pak mertuaku! tu pun sebab nak tukar tv sebab tv yg dibeli ada problem. so sementara hubby and pak mertua pi tukar tv,aku lak pi jalan2 cari barang utk anak2 aku. dah amik macam2 barang,lalu lak kt pharmacy section nk tgk ada tak minyak telon sebab anak aku bantai tumpahkan minyak yg ada.

so nk cari brand yg selalu guna dh selalu sgt so try la tukar angin guna minyak YU YEE CAP LIMAU!! wowww,harga dia boleh tahan gak laa yg botol kecik around rm8+ tapi xpe la saje nk try. dan ternyata sekali minyak tu bagus sebab aku tenyeh kt Adli masa lepas mandi gerenti dia akan tido lena sbb minyak tu berangin je.

alamak,gambar xde lak nk dipamerkan!! takpe la korang cuma bayang2 kan aje la ye..

entahlah ape lagi citer nk tulis sbb aku malas nk tulis panjang2. sini je la!!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The lady's bag syndrome

Painting from here.

Since the day I read this post from a friend's blog, I have been spotting more and more chivalrous knights slinging their noble lady's, um, satchel over their shoulders.

  • The first strike was in the elevator at Shangri-la Mall--the bag in question was a hulky LV. (So it must've been heavy.)
  • The second strike was in Greenbelt; and the bag was a medium-sized Coach. (Maybe it had a lot of coins inside. Coins can take up little space but add a lot of weight.)
  • The last and final strike was also in Greenbelt; the bag was a glittery gold number that probably didn't weigh more than a pound. (I give up thinking of excuses.)

At the last sighting, while trying very hard not to say, "Dude, I love your bag," I decided--it's about time I wrote about it, too.

What is the lady's bag syndrome (LBS)?
The lady's bag syndrome (LBS) is a mild illness that perhaps comes from a rare strain of the virus Courtesy--or maybe Chivalry. Its symptoms include the spontaneous sprouting of a lady's bag (sometimes of high-class designer origin) on the man's shoulder, arm or hand. Severity of case varies depending on the girliness of said bag.


Seriously though, I'd like to think the man infected with LBS does it because he cares for the lady in question and wishes only for her comfort. The fact that the floral handbag is slung over a manly shoulder, then, can only be traced to one thing: the lady's consent! (Okay, ignorance on the part of both parties too, but that's beside the point.)

Girls--please, if you're thinking of saying yes, consider first how your young man will look carrying that bag. And unless you're carrying two bowling balls in there, I suspect saying no won't be that bad on your back.

Besides, if it's encouraging the chivalrous behavior that you're concerned with, there are a lot more great acts a young man can do without having to compromise his dignity with a female handbag. There's opening the door for the lady, offering a seat at the bus or train, stepping out of his car to greet the girl's family whenever he picks her up for their date (and then taking her home on time), introducing her properly to all those important people in his life, honoring her choice to prioritize purity...

All these he will do for his lady if she really believes that they matter (and if he's really as awesome as he wants her to think).

You see how so much depends on us girls?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cocktail Dress Sale

Cocktail Dress Sale

the 400th day

but then Toh Jiarui need to book in!! arggghhh. after three month of office hours, he had to book in already): it's like our nightmare come true. So dont bear... but no choice?
Missing him already~

Come back!

Please don't leave me and never return! I'm so sorry for not blogging. I've been too lazy, caught up with school and some nonsensical worthless problem. Every time I thought I got it all settled I get a text days later that makes me go, "OMFG! It's still not done?!"

Being direct and nasty was so much easier instead of thinking an incompetent person will accept the fact that I'm merely being courteous in hope that they'll be able to use their inexistent social skills to understand what I mean. Apparently, it was bullshit. When did I become so dumb as to consider of other's feelings? It's too time consuming.

ANYHOW! I met Joyce yesterday to Olympus roadshow at Vivo City. Couldn't remember when was the last time I went out with a girl, in my memory it's always guy friends. Like Andy, Cheng Heng and Benson etc. Never was it a girl but it was so bad. Joyce is super friendly and easy to get along as far as I know!

Start with 3 camwhore pic to start.

I can't wait to remove my braces next February! Going back every month for dental check-up and that 3 days no-food-cause-I'm-in-pain tragic is a tragic. On the bright side I get to lose weight, at least that's what everybody is saying but that haven't been happening.

Since Joyce was caught up in a jam, I went to Bakerzin for macaroons. They're the cutest, almost the yummiest and most mafan to bake. Google macaroons recipe and you're know why. You spend hours in the kitchen and.. Okay la, actually I don't mind spending hours in kitchen as long as the end result is what I want. Just lazy.

Somewhere while waiting I started to wonder if my camera macro is still powerful or not and started taking random close up photos of things around me.

There's a high chance I forgot how to put lashes. I see boxes and boxes of lashes in my drawer, they feel so foreign to me. Even in the past when I use them, they always loosen and fall off, not even sparing me from embarrassment while attending event. To think I could post those pictures up -____-"

Enough of close ups.

Olympus PEN!! *hyperventilating* 

Look at that sleek and vintage physical. I love anything vintage and I can't conclude why my mum would throw her vintage Prada away. Now she's using the ugliest bag you can find from the market. I wish I wish. I wish my mum can be stylish.

I stood at the roadshow fidgeting with Valerie's PEN for a long long time before taking my point and shoot compact Sony and reluctantly took a few photos. All turned out mediocre compared to PEN :(  So demoralizing.

Oh wells. I just heard bad review about Olympus ep1. FML. I can't decide already!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Freedom and fashion

Photo from here.

Talking about proper dressing, I once got asked: "Why can't people just wear whatever they want? It is their body. And don't rules like that just take away a woman's freedom to wear what she likes?"

Good question, no?

Let me ask a better one. Isn't freedom such a nice word? You can throw it around and use it for all the "open minded" arguments and it fits right in--how very versatile! But that's just considering freedom superficially. It's quite easy to forget that, like everything else, freedom needs standards too.

Think about this: What happens if all the drivers on the road are given the freedom to do what they like? If you put rules on the road, are you taking away a driver's freedom, or are you making it easier for the driver to reach the destination? (I think you can find the answers to those questions on your own.)

The same idea goes into appropriate dressing. There has to be rules in dressing to help the wearer come across as someone worthwhile to get to know, not just something to look at (besides, only a someone can get somewhere). In dressing, it is not simply wearing anything you like, but spotting what looks good (highlighting the face, bringing out the personality, not drawing attention to one part of the body) and then choosing to wear those pieces over things which are less flattering. That's real freedom.

Why so meticulous about the meaning of freedom? Because if you waver at the meaning of freedom, everything you can connect to it wavers, too.
  • Justice: If freedom means doing whatever you like, then a person who kills another person is justified because he simply exercised his freedom.
  • Duty: If freedom means doing anything you like, then duty is meaningless because you can forget the work and say you just exercised your freedom.
  • Love: If freedom means doing whatever you want, then cheating is perfectly fine--you just exercised...
Anyway, that's the point: real freedom needs standards because a lot depends on it. And if you believe in truly exercising your freedom, you must live it.... Let freedom (and all the rules that come with it) ooze out of you through everything that you do--from the big things like your words, actions and works... down to the small and "trivial" things... like your hemlines.

What Is GUTSY?

"The G.U.T.S.Y. Fashion Team is a fashion advocacy group composed of students of fashion, fashionistas, young designers and retailers who understand the true sense of style of young women which is based on individuality and self-worth."

This blog shall discuss fashion that highlights the positive in the wearer and lets her individuality shine. You can call it person-centered fashion, if you like. :-)

That said...

Welcome readers, I hope the insights in this blog can help more people take the standards of fashion a step (or two) higher!

Health and Fitness

Hi guys! I have been away for a while. A few things changed. I have been watching my health and trying to maintain my weight. There are various information that I have learned throughout this experience that I want to share with my readers. My boyfriend and I enrolled ourselves to the gym, and I have benefited greatly from it. I have been in and out of the gym for about 3 months, and I have lost 6 pounds. I go to the gym for at least 5 times a week. I know that six pounds does not sound much, but I am trying to lose more body fat than muscle. The more muscle you have, the better. I am not necessarily talking about being a body builder and losing my feminine side. I am talking about the complete opposite. A woman can not have manly muscles because we do not have as much testosterone as man have that is required to obtain huge muscles. Building muscles help burn more calories when sitting down, and doing nothing around the house. Cardio alone will only speed up your metabolism while exercising; however, it will slow down after your cardio exercise. It is better to do weight training and cardio together in order to achieve the body you want effectively. Exercise is important; however, you need to maintain a proper diet to go along with it.

Less than 15% body fat is not healthy in the long run because it can cause some complications in the future. If you are planning to have a baby in the future it is not healthy to have a low body fat percentage less than 15% because your body looks at how much body fat you have and see if you are capable of providing enough nutrition for the fetus.

I want to continue my healthy life style instead of trying to loose weight the wrong way. A few years ago after I graduated from middle school, I weighed 122 pounds. i wanted to loose more weight by attending the gym. I thought that it would be a healthy way for me to loose weight. The sad part was that I did not known how to loose the weight properly. After attending the gym, I would not eat anything the whole day. Sometimes, I would only eat an apple as my meal. I dropped the weight fast. I was not thinking of the consequences. I dropped to about 110 pounds. What I didn't know is that the weight I was loosing was not fat. It was muscle. When I do not eat anything the whole day and then exercise vigorously at the gym, my body enters a "fight or flight" reaction. My body started eating away the muscle, which made my metabolism slower. My skin was flabby and I was not toned at all. I gained back my weight after a few years later. I ended up weighing about 125 pounds. I learned from my bad choices, and I was a naive teenager. It is not healthy to take a few bites a day. Your body needs a complete meal. You have to eat at least 5 times a daily to satisfy your self.

Now that you know some of the 411, I will be posting up tips and daily knowledge that I have acquired that I find interesting to share. Starting off with:

1) Drink water before meals: In my opinion, it is NOT true that drinking water before having a meal will cause the food to sit on top of your stomach. It is completely the opposite. I remember my physiology teacher telling me that water helps break food and allows the body to digest. If you pay attention to a planned course meal, you will notice that appetizers are usually in liquid form, such as soup. This is because increasing your water intake help burn calories. We all know that water helps us remove waste from our body, however, it also briefly increases our metabolism.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Girl(s) thing. Bitch.

I get inspirational and overwhelmed with feelings when I'm traveling on a train cause there's no way you'll get motion sickness here unless you're really frail or to be honest, useless.

Sex and the city was incredibly heartwarming with girlfriends who's so lovable and totally don't kiss and tell or worst, make up stories about you to trample your name. Well, I'm (not) sorry but most of times, at least in my world, girls don't exist in this format.

During high school I met green eyed girls. Who pretented to be your friend and come to you when they want something.

Blessed with a good mother and who gave birth and passed her fantastically flawless fair complexion to us, I get girls on a common basis asking for my 'secret'. The truth in this case is useless to them.

You'll need to:

Wash your face reguarly

Drink plenty of water

Stay indoors more (fair)

Sunblock (I used to maintain fairness)

12 hours of sleep (I go crazy without it)

They've heard them all. Even I feel helpless when I demand an explanation from my mum on why I have blemish or pimple. That's what she'll tell me.

These girls will look at me skeptically thinking i hid something from them. Like I have elixir or uses SK-2 or have a fountain of flawless skin.

If you're not going to believe/ listen to what I tell you, DON'T ASK!

Stop being green eyed cause nobody is perfect. I may have what you don't. Same. You may have what I don't. What's there to be bitchy about?

Throughout high school I get girls bitching about other girls when they're with me and obviously they'll bitch about me too.

Why hang out with people you dislike so much that you need to bitch about all the time?

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


today saya sudah FREEEEEEEE from pantang bersalin.... hehehe bahagianya hatiku! byk gak aku nk catch up appointment anak aku yg dh lama tak pegi especially therapy dia so by next week nk arrange balik ngan therapist.

dan semalam gak akhirnya chenta hati saya sudah belikan stylus utk henfon ku yang selama ni asyik main bantai je pakai tutup pen.

dan paling tak sabar on 8th JULY,saya nk hangout ngan besties saya yg paling saya sayang sapa lagi kalau bukan Shahidah,Ziehan,Yuslina and Lila. lama betul dah tak kuar lepak2 ngan bestfren macam dolu2. biasa la masing2 dah ada life sendiri so masa nak lepak2 tu terpaksa diketepikan utk beri laluan pada family masing2!

errmmm,saya juga nk potong rambut yg semakin tak tentu arah ni! dan yang paling penting sekali saya nk beli baju dan seluar yg semakin takde dalam almari aku since aku pregnant aku banyak bagi kt org baju2 lama aku so skrg aku sendiri dah takde baju.

oklah aku tak tau nak merapu ape lagi.

sekian terima kasih kerana sudi baca blog mengong ni!


we aint going nowhere

oh fellas, i missed youuuhhuujiiiieee!
we are all fine over here, i am pretty focused and at the same time i feel totally nutty.
hormones galore!
i hope you understand my absence dolls...
we are busy with buying things that i ve never ever heard of before.
fun times!
yeah, we are kinda growing up.
uhm, not.

big thanks for your support and kind words through the better and esp the harsh times dolls, it means a lot to me. honestly.
bigbig hugs for that.
spezial lovee to my girl ola, keep it up!

wearing: white biker jacket: ebay, nude fringe cardi: seventh door (thanks so much!) nude maxi dress: asos, striped wire bow: american apparel, rings: brook&lyn, ebay,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


sejak stylus aku patah susah aku nk tap kt touch skrin fon aku!! jadi yg paling mudah aku capai je ape yg aku nampak depan mata and senang utk guna kt fon aku. last sekali ari ni aku guna yang ni je... jeng jeng jeng...


tudung pen je......

sekian terima kasih sbb baca entry yg mengong ni..


Monday, June 21, 2010

Shooting star

Unique Cocktail Dresses

Unique Cocktail Dresses

A little here, a little there...

Okay! I shall blog something a little related to my job(:
Today I opened my locker & saw this name chop inside!!
Choo Xiuhui gave me a pleasant surprise!!! (:
A very belated birthday present, which reminded me that I havent give her present to her too:P

This is my very cute pouch for my pen, marker etc etc. which is very cute. lol. The first time I saw it, I was alittle hesitated to buy. But the second time I saw it, I decided to just buy it(:
Talking about my work, I had a superb long dream about being late for work! And the funny/worst part is I woke up, sleep & BACK to the same dream!! lol. So the whole night I was in the same dream trying to contact my sister(aka supervisor) that I am late for work! lol.
After one whole day of work with my hair bun-ed up with a marker.
I will have this curly hair effect, which I really love:)
But it wont last long before it turned straight & messy. haha
Okay. I think that's all about my work.
Introducing to this......
guess what is this?!
it's a beer~ in pear flavor.
they also have the APPLE flavor(:
Toh Jiarui bought it at the beer festival on Sunday(:
It is surprisely nice, coming out from a person like me who seldom drink.
the bad news is Jiarui said it's only available at the festival which is once a year.. -.-
The Sims 3 is addictive, Baby is addicted.
I had 5 new clothes!! from Femme Addiction!!!:)
Okay, more about it soon~ byebye.

Flaunt Your Feminine Side With Our 'Independence Day Collection'

With Independence Day round the corner, it's time to rejoice the spirit of womanhood. Rich luscious colors, fine fabrics, contemporary designs would describe our exclusive 'Independence Day Collection' the best. This day has heralded a new beginning in each one of our lives and we have made sure that our collection conveys that in the best way possible. Everyday should be a new beginning and when you start something new you have to make sure you start it on a positive note and feel good about yourself. Our Independence Day gowns truly make you feel good about yourself. They impart a sense of confidence to your persona.

Empire waistlines, halter necklines, fish cut bottoms, strapless and off the shoulders are just a few enthralling features of this exclusive collection. There couldn't be a better way of expressing your individuality than donning a pretty evening gown. Flaunt your supremely stylish feminine side and make the most of this 'Independence Day Collection'. Have a look to some attire.

Thanks and Regards,

Van Woods
Fashion Designer (

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