
Saturday, June 19, 2010


I'm mad sleepy it took me 5 tries to spell decision correctly.
Had a super full and long day out with a group of bloggers. There were 13 of us. Didn't know going out in a group this big be fun cause there was politics even in a small group of 6. All girls or not, I don't think I do group thing well.

But I love my day out. That's not the point.
Sure you saw this 2 photos. For weeks I've been deciding on a DSLR or stick to my pink Sony compact camera but I was reminded of this when I saw XX's advert. With so many cameras launching all this while I forgot what I saw initially. Just that this one have built in flash.

Don't know why companies come out with camera without built-in flash. Not everybody is photo enthusiast nuff to buy external flash, we're just camwhore enthusiast. They just don't understand or their company only have daylight and bright enough places that we don't need flash in their life.

Good Night.

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