
Monday, June 28, 2010

Come back!

Please don't leave me and never return! I'm so sorry for not blogging. I've been too lazy, caught up with school and some nonsensical worthless problem. Every time I thought I got it all settled I get a text days later that makes me go, "OMFG! It's still not done?!"

Being direct and nasty was so much easier instead of thinking an incompetent person will accept the fact that I'm merely being courteous in hope that they'll be able to use their inexistent social skills to understand what I mean. Apparently, it was bullshit. When did I become so dumb as to consider of other's feelings? It's too time consuming.

ANYHOW! I met Joyce yesterday to Olympus roadshow at Vivo City. Couldn't remember when was the last time I went out with a girl, in my memory it's always guy friends. Like Andy, Cheng Heng and Benson etc. Never was it a girl but it was so bad. Joyce is super friendly and easy to get along as far as I know!

Start with 3 camwhore pic to start.

I can't wait to remove my braces next February! Going back every month for dental check-up and that 3 days no-food-cause-I'm-in-pain tragic is a tragic. On the bright side I get to lose weight, at least that's what everybody is saying but that haven't been happening.

Since Joyce was caught up in a jam, I went to Bakerzin for macaroons. They're the cutest, almost the yummiest and most mafan to bake. Google macaroons recipe and you're know why. You spend hours in the kitchen and.. Okay la, actually I don't mind spending hours in kitchen as long as the end result is what I want. Just lazy.

Somewhere while waiting I started to wonder if my camera macro is still powerful or not and started taking random close up photos of things around me.

There's a high chance I forgot how to put lashes. I see boxes and boxes of lashes in my drawer, they feel so foreign to me. Even in the past when I use them, they always loosen and fall off, not even sparing me from embarrassment while attending event. To think I could post those pictures up -____-"

Enough of close ups.

Olympus PEN!! *hyperventilating* 

Look at that sleek and vintage physical. I love anything vintage and I can't conclude why my mum would throw her vintage Prada away. Now she's using the ugliest bag you can find from the market. I wish I wish. I wish my mum can be stylish.

I stood at the roadshow fidgeting with Valerie's PEN for a long long time before taking my point and shoot compact Sony and reluctantly took a few photos. All turned out mediocre compared to PEN :(  So demoralizing.

Oh wells. I just heard bad review about Olympus ep1. FML. I can't decide already!

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