
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A success!

I baked a banana walnut cake!

After being sick for days I've finally recovered and strong enough to bake a banana walnut cake to satisfy my cravings! No more cravings for stuff like salmon and oreo cheesecake that I can buy outside. I'm starting to crave for food that I bake myself. Yes. Myself. How weird. I never liked what I baked even though I kept baking them. There's always something missing from the food I baked. Fragrances and especially it's physical appearance. When all my family members said it's yums, I'm very doubtful and started to think to myself if they were just being family.

You know? Being family, they wanna encourage you and say it's yums etc. Of course when they say it's not or ask me not to bake I'll be, "WHY?!"
Well, that was the past. Nowadays when they praise my baking, "I'll be like is it too sweet? Is the fragrance enough? Any improvement needed?" Hah! I'm such a humble person.


A slice of effort.

And I want a new mixer! Like OMG-ly badly. My small handheld mixer is so threatening. Every time I bake I secretly pray inside me that it won't suddenly decide to die and leave me a half done batter plus it spoiled my pandan cake. Can't even raise! 

OK! I must stop complaining. Got to go downstairs and collect my phone from my friend. Left it in this car.

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