
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maternity Dress: Are Your Shoes Fit for Pregnancy?

Your feet need extra pampering when you're pregnant. Here is my previous posting on maternity shoes.

It's essential to treat your feet right during pregnancy. That means choosing shoes that are roomy and comfortable, and that offer adequate support. According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons(ACFAS), during pregnancy your feet may grow a half to a full size permanently. To ease pregnancy-related foot discomfort, the ACFAS recommends wearing an arch support to help support the extra weight your feet will be carrying, wearing athletic shoes with a roomy toe box, and wearing support stockings to minimize foot and ankle swelling.

In addition, here are questions to ask yourself while shoe shopping:-

Does it have a square toe? Not only are square toes in style, but the extra room helps ward off painful corns and bunions.

Does it have a broad, low heel? A simple loafer with a low, stacked heel offers much better support for your weight than a low-heeled pump.

Does it offer ankle support? You might think flat shoes are better than heels, but some ballet flats and moccasins don't offer adequate ankle support. Walk around the store -- if your foot lifts out of it, there's not enough support.

If it's an everyday shoe, does it have a rubber sole? These shock absorbers are easier on your knees and back. One great trend for pregnant women is "mock sneaks," which are athletic-style, slip-on, rubber-soled shoes in leather and suede.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Birthday Present

Forget about which poly I've been posted to,
I can't be bothered to talk about it and you've guessed it - I'm sure you're smart enough to guess which poly given my result.

While my birthday is 40 days away I've already ordered
Mum's share of my birthday present :D

Something pretty much amiss with me.
I can't seem to keep cheapskate/greediness at bay despite my ang bao money.
Please don't throw insulting comment at me for sharing this major fact about myself, I'm trying real hard to change it.

Time for the bright side.
However cheapskate or greedy I may be right now I'm gonna change them in a bat of an eyelid. I used my da jiu's credit card to purchase my birthday present from Victoria's Secret which is now having a clearance sale!!

P/s: Clearance sale doesn't equal to cheapskate.

The classic bag

Original price was $29.
Clearance: US$6.99 / S$10.50 *WOW*

The sexy trio bags
Original price was $275
Clearance: US$29.99
/ S$45.26 *WAH*

By the time the bags arrive it'll be approximately 10 days from my 17th birthday!
Woo hoo~

I love you,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy cow year !!

I'm finally almost done with the visiting, how about yours??
This CNY lacks a great deal of atmosphere.

Every year I wake up bright early, waiting for the others to get ready while everything was opposite this year.
My family left home at 1pm and reached my grandma house with only our family there.

We should rejoice that a new/niu year have arrived.

I blinked my nails and welcome the new year.
Looked expensive didn't it? I've removed the enamal cause it chipped off :(
& I'm gonna try a home salon soon.

As usual,
steamboat for reunion (pathetic) dinner. There were only 2 family - 2nd aunt and us.
Others were overseas or having reunion dinner on their own.

Don (sis's boyfriend) came to our house with 2 tangerines and followed us to grandma's house hence the extra car.

I was being narcissistic again.
Red lips. Red top. Red underwear for a lucky year!
(A total supersition, I lost $5 in BlackJack still >:( )


Sis and her boyfriend, Don.
I should have blogged earlier but I was too engrossed in Victoria's Secret and whether I should get a citi clear card.

All's done. I don't need a credit card cause Don have one :DD

My new year top !

The thing that made CNY popular among the unmarried.

I'm gonna get a new wallet!

With Love,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is the saddest commercial ever! Prepare to CRY!

cat domination

i am so tired that i fell asleep in the middle of the day with tv,glasses,maximum lights and clothes on, drivel on the pillow and all that cat jut woke me up.the fucker uses the stomach as a trampoline then she runs of as fast as her (not so little) weight allows her.
what a loveable creature.damn you.
and yeah the heels are back.missed them.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Chinese New Year dh pun tiba so maknanye dh masuk pun tahun baru Year Of Ox!! tahun aku tu kalau nk tau. So mcm biasa bila tiba je raya cina mesti la kedai2 byk yg tutup kalau yg bukak pun kedai2 besar je. Nk jalan2 mall pun berape kerat je kedai yg bukak, jdi activity yg paling elok utk buat masa raya cina just dok umah je! tp tahun ni raya cina mmg cuti panjang for a week! byk la jugak org kota ni balik kampung maka jln2 kt KL, PJ dan mana2 la mmg lengang gilos,xde jammed, xde maki hamun, xde accident, dan byk la sgt polis merata tmpat nk cri makan. 

1 day before hari raya me,nina,mummy,mama lin and the kids pegi la jln2 kt The Curve ,Damansara sbb yg nk pegi Nichii! so kami pun brjalan2 la sebelum kedai semua tutup sbb org2 cina semua nk balik makan besar ngan family. bila dh abis beli2 kt nichii,aku and nina trsangat la lapar sbb sblm kuar umah kitorang x mkn sbb aku ngan nina yg masak so bila dh masak tu amik bau je dh kenyang. bila dh ptg skit bru la nk rasa lapar smpai pening2 kepala.

kami pun cri la tmpat nk makan tp byk sgt yg dh tutup dulu so kami pun decided pegi ke Ikano next to Ikea utk mkn kt Kluang Station! bila dh smpai kt Kluang Station especially nina yg smpai dulu sbb dia yg dh lapar sgt abis dia tinggalkn kitorang. kami pun order la food,mama lin and mummy ngan roti bakar and telur setengah masak, nina ngan nasi goreng while aku lak order nasi lemak ngan ayam masak merah, wuissshhhh sedap la jugak sbb dh lapar jdik bedal je la. 

Barley ice favourite aku...

Karipap yg nmpak je x pedas tp pedas giler + panas sungguh!!

my nasi lemak yg dh sekerat aku bedal bru ingat nk amik gmbar... hehehhh...

masa kami tgh makan tiba2 trdengar la bunyi gendang cina tandanye on da way buat show. bila dh smapi kt depan Kluang Station cina2 gendang tu buat la show tarian Naga Sakti. sempat lgi stop makan and amik pic sbb btul2 brhenti depan kami! 

Tarian Naga dri Ikano!!

eiiikkk, sambil tu masuk la muka aku ngan spec bru!!! hahaahh, murah je xde nama pun tp mmg stylo la tu yg mama lin pun sibuk nk beli gak!! bila dh sama spec mcm nk suruh aku cri yg lain je.. ermmmm!!!

me wit new spec!!

k lahh tu je story yg ada sbb aku pun x tau nk citer ape lagi sbb aku malas nk citer panjang2!!! 


Saturday, January 24, 2009

seek and destroy

ok dolls, mommy got a brand new cam.i told you i have to get my shit is remedy.but i suppose you sweets know that fact.I got this sweater at ebay i think i will destroy it further and let it reborn as a cardi.if someone is interested in the seller on let me know!
ps: danke für deine geduld.ich liebe dich sanubs.

Maternity Dress: Maternity Style Secrets

No matter what body type you have, Below being few dressing tips to look great during every trimester!

There are full ranges of maternity clothing selection on the market. BUT, how to choose to fit yours body type?

If you're petite...
Stick with monochromatic tops and bottoms, which create a single line of color, lengthening your body. It helps if your shoes and stockings match, too.

Stock up on boat-neck and other high-neck tops, which draw the eye up. A choker, short strand of pearls, or a scarf also work well.

Go with slim-fitting styles instead of bulky ones. They won't overwhelm your delicate frame.

If you're curvy on the bottom...
Remember: Dark colors are slimming, so choose pants, skirts, and dresses in the classic hues of black, brown, navy, dark gray, and wine.

Avoid horizontal stripes, which will make you look wider than you are.

Try menswear-style shirts -- they're comfortable and oversized, and will minimize your hips.

If you're tall...
Maternity knee-length skirts look great on you, because they break up the length of your body.

Don't dress in all one color -- it will make you look even taller. Instead, mix and match colors. And experiment with horizontal patterns -- they'll work well on your tall frame.

Try long jackets, either with pants or over a dress.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Maternity Dress: Nice Dressing For 2

When I was expecting my first child, I didn't think I needed a whole new wardrobe. Surely I could get by with just a few maternity basics, paired with some choice selections from my husband's closet, right? Wrong. One day, a coworker pointed at my waist, where my unbuttoned jeans were poking out against my oversize shirt, and said loudly, "Is that your belly button popping out like that?" I was mortified, but I learned a lesson: When you're expecting, your body changes -- and your clothing should too. Investment in maternity clothing is really needed.

My point is, during pregnancy, comfort is key, and it all begins with your briefs. Whether you wear thongs, bikinis, or Bridget Jones "granny panties," stick to the style you're used to -- just buy them at least one or two sizes bigger as your belly grows. Be sure they're cotton so the fabric will stretch and breathe. Mine experience was -- If you don't get proper support, you're going to be very uncomfortable.

Not only your belly grows -- your breasts will change too. "One of the more obvious changes in early pregnancy is tenderness and, later on, enlargement. A soft, cotton sports bra can help in the first trimester when your breasts are very tender. Later on, look for a soft, elastic cup, and skip the stiff underwire -- it may be uncomfortable as your breasts get heavier.

Your breasts will probably continue to get bigger throughout your pregnancy, so don't buy a ton of bras during your first trimester. Play it by ear, and change sizes when you feel like you're spilling over or you're uncomfortable in the ones you've been wearing.

In your last trimester, ask a knowledgeable salesperson to help you find a maternity bra that will double as a nursing bra. Make sure the cups and the bra band aren't tight. Anything too restrictive can increase your chances of heartburn.

Do noted that do not throw aways bras that you've bought during your pregnancy. Our body & breast size will takes time to turn back to the pre-pregnant size, these bras will be playing a important role right after you've given birth to your little one.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Double happiness

Getting my name cards is just part of the happiness :D
I'll talk about it at the end.

Remember I said I sent my name cards for print last Wednesday??
Yeah! I got them just yesterday and got 205 pieces.

Andy and I actually counted how many pieces there were cause he heard that sometimes they'll give as extra not like we're afraid that they'll cheat our few pieces of name card.
5 more (:

I got my design finalized and looked at the screen in the show case while the lady edited it further.

I got the $24 for 200 pieces standard name card.
They even have transparent name card - plastic.

Tommy Print don't take nets, if you're gonna make your name card, withdraw money or bring your credit card along.

The joy of receiving the name cards was like getting a toy when you're a kid.

Adults get their name cards only when they're working and slogging their life away. While we doing something that we enjoy :DD

I went to the toilet holding the 2 boxes in my hands and dropped it all over the floor.
Good thing the ground was dry.

Name Card exchange!!

I said I'll be giving my name cards away so leave a comment and I'll send them to you!
& leave your email yeah?

We're 2 days from Chinese New Year and cow year!

Here's the 2nd happiness!!

One of my friend cum reader bought me a Pink Cybershot T77 for me!
What a way to start 2009 and cow year ( I know its ox year).

Initially I though he was merely joking and will forget about it after a while but he really bought one for me. Thank you!
He wanted to stay anonymous so I'm getting him a big thing for his birthday.
Thank you!!

I'll go get my name card holder already.
Love ya!

Maternity Dress: Gotta Have It: Convert Your Shirts into Maternity Wear

These funky undershirts keep you from flashing bump -- and they're great for nursing too.
You lucky preggo -- you're cultivating a bump just as empire-waist tops are at the height of fashion. You sailed through the first trimester barely buying anything maternity. But now that you're getting bigger, your belly is starting to play peekaboo -- and do your coworkers really need to see the bump up close?
Make your shirts stretch into the second trimester with Blush Accessories' Topless Undershirt. It's a tube top that begins where your bra ends and stretches over the belly.

Continue to wear those cute tees and cropped sweaters well into your pregnancy -- it doesn't matter if they creep up because the undershirt's got the belly covered. Wear it a little lower on the hips to hide how you're still sporting your regular jeans with the button undone (the clingy polyester/rayon/spandex fabric helps them stay up too). Although you might have to retire the tube in the third trimester depending on how big you get, we love it because you can whip it out again in the "fourth trimester" to make sure your postpartum midsection stays undercover when you nurse.

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Maternity Dress: Tips for a Formal Night Out

How to make maternity look glamorous??

Flummoxed by how to get ready for that fancy event -- and wondering where on earth you'll find formal wear to accommodate your belly? Don't panic and grab the first thing you find in desperation. The most important thing to remember when dressing up during pregnancy is to maintain the sense of style you had before you were pregnant, advises Liz Lange, owner and designer of Liz Lange Maternity. Lange's business was born out of her own frustration with the lack of selection in maternity clothing.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your evening out:

Dress up the classic black dress. The easiest solution to your dilemma problem is to start with a well-fitting black dress. Almost everyone has one, and if you don't, it's a great piece to have in your maternity wardrobe. Add sheer black stockings and a pair of dressy (but comfortable) black heels, finish the look with a great necklace, pearls, or a pair of beautiful earrings. Presto -- you've got an easy evening ensemble you can wear over and over!

Experiment with separates. Search your closet, or your best friend's, for any pieces you may have that you can combine to form an appropriate outfit. Lange's favorite pairings are a black skirt with a cashmere sweater set or slim black pants with a taffeta evening blouse or tunic. If you're going to wear all black, add a dash of color and luxury with a pashmina, cashmere, or silk wrap, advises Lange.

Play up your best features. Work with styles that accentuate your arms and legs because it will balance your beautifully expanding belly. Choose sleeveless tops or dresses -- they create one long silhouette. When you're deciding between long and short hemlines, go short and wear stockings that match your shoes so your legs look like uninterrupted slim lines.

Turn up your hair and makeup a notch. Emphasize your eyes with a shimmery shadow and two coats of mascara, and give your lips a swipe of gloss. Take a few extra minutes to blow-dry your hair with a round brush and then smooth a few drops of silicone-based serum over your hair for shine.

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Maternity Dress: Best Fit Maternity Jeans!

It’s all about maternity jeans when you’re pregnant. Every time you step out of the house, whether you’re going to the grocery store, visiting a friend or a casual dinner with your spouse, 10 to 1 you will be wearing jeans.

It’s amazing how the same pair of maternity jeans can be worn so many different ways. You can do anything from hills to flip-flops, depending on how dressed up you need to be. Maternity jeans are like your sweat pants except you can’t wear your sweats to dinner.

Since you’ll wear maternity jeans throughout your entire pregnancy, not only should your jeans be cute but they should meet the pregnancy guidelines. It’s pretty simple: They must look amazing, and they have to make a heroic effort to fight PPB (pregnancy plumber's butt), although let's face it -- in the last month all bets are off. To find the best comfort you have to decide what type of band you like best. Many of our trendiest moms prefer these three types of bands: no band, below the belly, and mid-belly.

No Band
Designed to flatter your curves, Habitual Maternity Jeans are famous for the no band feature. These jeans are seen on countless celebrities including Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes. They have a very low-rise underbelly fit with a button and zip-fly, so they look like your favorite non-prego jeans. An adjustable button-out waistband allows you to wear these jeans at any point during your pregnancy and beyond. These are a perfect transition jean, too. Don’t tell anyone but I wear these when I am bloated.

Below the Belly
If you prefer a little extra belly support then you will not want to pass up on these hot Maternal America Maternity Jeans. A 3" smooth elastic waist band provides an easy fit and comfortable support throughout pregnancy and in the transition period after. When wearing a top that covers the band you won’t be able to tell they’re maternity. So don’t be afraid to wear these for a long as you want after the baby.

Want fashion and convenience then Mama Black Maternity Jeans are perfect for you. On days when you need the extra support then just roll the band up and on days when you want to show a little skin then just fold it down. They are so comfortable and stretchy you’ll forget you’re wearing jeans.

Flattering maternity jeans are hard enough to find when you’re not pregnant!If you find a pair of jeans that you like but you feel they’re a bit pricey, think about how often you’ll wear them during your pregnancy and after. The better your jeans fit the more you’ll wear them and chances are for a longer period of time. Don’t hate the jeans you wear, love them!

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