
Friday, July 18, 2008

10 facts about me

I got no time to blog today cause my prelim is coming followed by O level. Ya da ya da ya da.
So here's the 10 facts about me to kick off my blogging fits.

  1. I get itchy brain if I don't blog for a day.
  2. I love studying (sounds unbelievable huh? but its true)
  3. My school bag is filled with anything but books.
  4. My shoe size is 40 or 39 if the cutting is big. Hence, explains the reason why I have so little shoe.
  5. I love the rainbow
  6. Sometimes I think I'm lesbian.
  7. Reading is my favorite past time.
  8. Shopping is what I do when I'm angry, sad, happy, lonely, stressed, irritated etc etc
  9. I think my handwriting can be way nicer than now.
  10. There can be more than just these 10 facts about me.

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