
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Less frequent

I'm actually counting down to O level and its only 94days !!

Sis went to the toilet to shit and I thought she asked me to bring her a toilet roll cause I actually used up the last one. When I go to the kitchen she was like "ah..*while holding on to her tummy"
I was giving her a shocked face.
chingmei: I thought you ask me for toilet paper.
sis: No la. I took one already.
chingmei: oh..
sis: why?
chingmei: I thought you didn't clean your arse and come out or use wash one.

Mum was telling me that she know she's adding alot of stress to me and that she just want me to study but I didn't feel any stress at all.

Perhaps its about the nightmare I had the other day cause my sis went to look for a job and didn't get in after her interview.

I really am going to work hard, score well for my O level, go to TP then get a good job after I graduate. I have goals for my life and I wanna earn so much that I can afford anything on earth.
& mum bought chicken essence for me (:

There's so many who think that chicken essence is disgusting but I just like it.
The other day I went swimming and there wasn't any empty bottles to store my things. SO! I bought 4 empty bottles from spring beaut. For my shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion.

I got a $10 voucher from giordano.

My uncle's friend went to thailand's giordano and the sales person there was like "GOOD AFTERNOON UNCLE!!" His friend was so shocked and rushed out of the show moreover his friend was young.

50g butter, unsalted (at room temperature)
50g vegetable oil(optional, i guess.)
100g caster sugar
2 eggs
100g self raising flour
  1. Preheat oven to 170C. Place 6 large baking cups into muffin pan
  2. Sift flour. Set aside
  3. Beat butter, oil, caster sugar until well combined
  4. Add eggs a little at a time. Mix well after each addition
  5. Bake for 15 minutes
  6. Allow to cool

250g butter, unsalted (at room temperature)
250g icing sugar

  1. Beat butter and icing sugar until creamy
  2. Pipe desired design onto cupcakes.

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