
Thursday, September 4, 2008


Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words darling kiss me
Fill my life with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I hope for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you



Read the words in the red rectangle.

That's sis boyfriend, he got Avril's concert tickets for me. YES! with 'S'.
2 $75 tickets. Located way back.

You must be like, "$75 only what. See what?!"
but it's my first time watching a concert. Even if its a $75 ticket and I only get to see a 5cm tall Avril, I'm contented.

Now, I'm waiting for sis's boyfriend to pass me the tickets to double confirm that I AM GOING TO THE CONCERT.

Stupid as it is my brain is sending signal(s) to me; if I don't study, I don't need to deal with any exams.

I am forcing myself to study.

"People who always say "I'll try" are habitual under-achievers and failures to announce, in advance, that they probably won't succeed at a task or even that they expect to fail."

I forgot to close the pens' cap and my arm ended up with all those colourful dots..
& they are still there even though I've bathe.

Those bling bling on my nails are falling off one by one. And there's so many things I wanna do after O.

But first I gonna study.

Kind huili asked me out for their study outing at Paya Lebar's Mac. Met her after 2pm, took mrt to Paya Lebar.

Dad was being extra calculative today, left me to die on 5 bucks >:( He was well aware that I have $14 and refuse to give me money.

He expects me to save and at the same time he is not willing to give me money. Shit him! How on earth am I going to save? You tell me? Rob the bank?

Anyhow, I did a lil bit of geo notes. Cause I was adapting to the environment and familiarizing myself with the people and looking for food (you know I can't eat fastfood, I'll end up with diarrhoea).

They are genial.

Left row: Huili, omg.. I don't the 2 girls name (so sorry), JianHong.
Right row: the forever chio me (uber BHB), Evi, no idea too.

P/S: JianHong got a nice body. hahaha

huili complaint that building's toilet stinks and suggested to go to her church's.

I felt so comfy when I got there.

Everything seemed black and grey, exactly like these 2 photos. And I don't know why is blogger lacking, every letter is appearing slower by o.o5sec. I can't stand it.

Stupid blogger or my laptop, you better work properly or I'll abandon you..

Took the lift up to twelve storey and saw ___ .
Huili: Handsome right?
Me: no.
Huili: What if I tell you he is rich, handsome?
Me: Still NO.

She went on telling me that I prefer china boy and that's so like suhaib, he was saying that all my ex look like china boy and all flat chested -.-

The words are appearing really slow and I feel as thought I'm typing so quickly that my lappie/blogger can't catch it.

I'll end here today.
au reviour

P/S: blogger is reacting too slow for me to have the mood to check for error in post. So help me spot them as you read. Thanks.

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