
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some old random things:)

SGH Dinner & Dance 27th November 2010:)
it's my first D&D! Of course very excited! haha, but I know its not going to be really fun. Cos it is really just dressing up, eating nice food & taking lots of photos!:D Okay, maybe some gossips & bonding and extra luck when you won something from the lucky draw!(But I didnt win)

I love the ceiling lights! It's starry~
Like what everybody said, photos can speak a million words. So I should just put the photos here and let them speak :) Unless I got something to say too!!

Went over with Peili, Huifen, Siewfoon, Wanqian & Aaron.
Wanted to take the free shuttle in BUT after walking up & down we still can't find and to get a cab we still have to walk back to vivo. So we took the resort world bus in :)

I just realised I took the most individual photos with Peili!

Full Body shot ~ :D
Table 78 or 79, I forgot cos I changed my table. lol.
Justine, with her special bow-y dress!! (:

Orientation batch friends! Everyone who went except Sarah Tan!!!
Choo Xiuhui & Darren Yeo
Eziah who spotted me, the moment she stepped into the ballroom!

Carly's like a doll ~ <3

Lianna & Rashida, and I really like how Rashida wrapped her hair with the scarf! Nicely!

Our L3 theatre attendant with Ximin & Jessie :) But then no one like L3 list on Tuesday & Friday.
Yumyum, I really love the first dish which normally is the cold dish & not forgetting the soup!!!

With Wailin, yo~(:

Siewfoon really looked like Japanese!!! Her eyes are so big & I love her curls~

Huifen is the sexiest lady of the night <3

Chailing is 帅气 girl of the night! ^^

Wangqian :)

Yiting and I tried to take photo with only each other a few times, but we failed to do so as everyone will start squeezing in! haha. And finally we managed to took individual photo together :D

Sandwiched between the tallest girl & boy of G/S! I think I am short though I was in heels!! haha

Group photos~
I didnt cut away Peili or Yiting! Just that they tried to squeeze into the photo when we were taking the photo but they failed. lol 
My camera dont have much group photos, since others have it on theirs & my camera is dying!! boooo.
Oh. I think I have a caption for each photo! hahaha. Never really let them speak on their own, lol.
That night the most unforgetable thing is my cabfare home, $37!:(
Did I mention before that my blogger picasa album is FULL! So now to upload to my blog, I have to upload to my photobucket account then upload it to my blog by links one & one. And its starting to kill my patient:( Sometimes I am really thinking should I buy the extra space for my picasa so I can blog without the hassle but is it worth it?! I think its also the reason why I can't blog with picture thru my bb!
Christmas is sneaking in!!:D
And I've received my 1st x'mas present for this year!
Make me realised that I have to get my x'mas presents soon! :)

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