
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcake

You know it's time to get a new and better camera when there's an entry with no photos taken from your's!

Point and shoot ain't that lousy, still able to take photos yet it is nothing compared to photos taken by a heavy ugly complicated troublesome expensive high-maintenance DSLR!

Lugged my mixer to XX's place on 23rd (I'm snatching the credit here. Where on earth I get the strength to do that?) to bake a few batches of red velvets for the party with a recipe I googled not tested. Thank sky thanks floor they turned out yummeh!

OMG. Look at the sharpness.

I forgot part of our ingredients that day due to my brainlessness and not confirming availability with XX.

He had to make a trip to supply store for food coloring > back to my place for Bailey's only to see there's no one home > supermarket for chocolates > his place to pass me chocolates and bake a bit with me > back to my place to get Bailey's > home.

Blah! Felt so angry with myself.


Just mix cocoa powder with enough red food coloring till it's lumpy for redness.

 Topped with Bailey's coffee icing.

dawned on me to take a shot of the cupcake I've already bitten it. And it's the last one.

Recipe for red velvet cupcake is here.

They provide a lot more recipes!

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