
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pre - Room Revamp & OPI

All the invitation cards for my slumber party have been sent out
on Thursday and I'm waiting for my allowance to come week by week so I can get more things for my birthday.

Or if you are kind enough you can donate $1 to me :D

While I wait for it (allowance) to come I'm gonna let you see my room.
In a mess.

All the photos are taken from a corner of my room
& I'm sharing it with my sis and bro. How warming it is..

Don't leave a comment saying that I'm a messy person cause
you'll know I'm not in a while.

Shelf and bed that does not belong to me.
To be true,
I don't really like sharing/lending but when it comes to borrowing,
its a different case.

That's selfish, I know.
So I'm sharing my room with my bro and paying all the expenses
for this room revamp.
After all I'm gonna get the room sooner or later :D

The shelf is clogged.

I'm the only one that make the bed.

I got all the measurements taken down and sketched.
Do you understand what's on the paper?

Here's my shopping list. I'm getting everything from IKEA cause
its just so near my house. Most of all its worth the price.

I'm starting my Room Revamp Fund with this amount of money - pathetic.
By the time I saved $1000 I might have grown 1 cm taller.

Anyhow, I've gone online shopping again..
I'm loving it so much or rather addicted to it that I applied for ibanking hours ago.

This time I bought 6 OPI from their South Beach collection.
Can't wait for them to come.

Woo Hoo~

I'm having vision blur again,

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