
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LG Prada Asian Launch Press Conference

Here I come blogging about the event!!
Its 1 week ago thing and this is the first time I blog something this delayed, sorry!
Thanks Sabrina (also Andy) for the invite.

The press conference was held at a luxurious 6 star hotel - St Regis - with really fantastic toilet!
Even the word fantastic seems superficial when used to
describe the toilet.
Which of course tell you that what's gonna be featured is WOW-er than anything cause the toilet is already that good.
(I'm not comparing the phone to the toilet just making contrast.)

Damn that Andy. I asked him to take a cab to St Regis and he was like, "don't want la. Can walk there. See, its only there!"
We ended up walking a long way meeting a gigantic curve before he finally submitted himself to taking a cab while I was perspiring and aching in my heels after walking.

And its LG Prada phone (which my title suggested) with a Qwerty keyboard
for all heavy message user like me. Hooray!

In through the door to mark our attendance.
We're the earliest again :D

Fliers and brochure handed out to us at the registration.
Prada *drools*

I haven't got things as branded as Prada before :(

The stage.

The show case.

They look normal don't they?
Just like normal watch (Prada Link) place beside a Prada phone.

Apart from being Prada, the phone have
- Physical slide-out QWERTY keyboard
- 5.0 Mega-Pixel AF camera
- Full touch screen
- Multi-touch control for image viewer, web browsing and document viewer.

Function and Appearance.

Actually they have telepathy (bluetooth connection).
When you receive a call the watch will ring as well.

Prada link also have:
#1 Caller ID with number and name recognition
#2 SMS alert and text reading
#3 Notification of phone alarm
#4 Additional features

Waterproof up to 30m.

Q&A session with a sharp featured Italian.
Why does all ang mo have sharp features but not Asian?!

A short interview from Razor Tv.
The video is at the bottom. I looked really unglam.
Please don't leave mean comments and hurt me yeah.

Met bloggers from Hong Kong and Malaysia where my name cards
became useful :D

Now I know the disadvantages of being a Hokkien.
Someone teach me Cantonese!! I'll be grateful.

Shynessa and me.

I posted this photo up cause I looked real weird.
Swear my face wasn't touching Ester's hair. I was wobbling slightly cause
I wore my heels for too long.

The one thing I don't like about the phone is its price.
Should I have the money I'll buy it.

Me and Ester.


After the event,
I tagged along Ester while she book 2 suite at Furama for photo shoots.

Why nobody approach me for photo shoots?!

I'm thinking about getting hair extension..
Should I?

End that day with a meal at Streets cafe.

Our goodies bag.


I'm gonna get ready to go out again.

To the seeing again,

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