
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Deleted Friendster

I'm getting so sick of Friendster.
Therefore, I deleted my account 3 minutes ago.

And they have a list asking why I deleted it.
My reason:
No. 1 I've switched to Facebook.
No 2. I'm sick of Friendster.
No 3. I think its ruled by those ill manner brat.
No 4. Cause Facebook is more IN.

Most of all,
I hate, despise and detest people whom I don't know adding me on Facebook or Friendster (I've closed it so that don't bother me anymore).
Please drop me a message and tell me who are you before adding me yah ?
Unless you're really sure I know you (:
This have been happening to me for more than a week. That's why I'm sharing.

P/s: I'm not being arrogant or saying that I'm very popular, chio etc etc
Please please, calm yourself down before criticizing me. I just feel WTF when someone I don't know or totally do not like (they may not be aware that I feel that way but still..) adding me.

Yes, its not wrong to wanna make new friends but hey, I don't know you!
Okay, I'm speechless. Think about it. I have no idea on how to describe my feelings to you.

Have a good night and don't waste your weekend away like me,

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