
Monday, February 23, 2009

Day out

Met Stepharina today.
It felt so comfortable going out with her.

And and!!
We met a Tikopeh on MRT.
Damn. He kept visual molesting the 2 of us, screened us from top to toe
then walk around us.
When we walked away he came over in less than a minute -.-
Tikopeh should get a life.

Economic is really bad.
Most of the shops either not hiring or they just want Full-time
with minimum 6 months commitment.

Thousands been retrenched and fresh graduates are jobless.
Whatever, by the time I graduate from poly the economic will be at its peak :D

Sometimes bad economic is good.
We get cheaper food! cheaper stuff! (I know salary is cheapened too.)

This kind of set meal cost $10.35 (GST & service charge included.)

Went to Laselle to get Stepharina's application form and it reminds me
how much I wanna dance.
The school's so arty and inviting.. But I have no dance background.
So RP still. Freaking far lah!!

Still I get to buy clothes and don't need an excuse.
Yes ah!!

Super hungry,

P/s: You wanna know how to make onei onei? The coconut coat ball with brown sugar inside.

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Click click..

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