
Friday, March 18, 2011

USS II, Dinner @ Big Easy, Hard Rock Hotel

Over the weekends, I met up with my girlfriends whom I haven't
for a while. It's so difficult to meet when we're each busy with school and
personal life.

Continue from the previous post..
We left USS for lunch.

Acting like a tourist, we snap anything and everything.
Here's an array of candy hang upside down.

XX with the chocolate bars.

And me! Trying to blend in but my eyebrows did a better job.
I can barely see them!

Going down to casino entrance level looking for food.
Boo boo for losing my voice.

Settled for ramen, closest to healthy I could find

When we entered the restaurant, we were told if payment is made via DBS card we'll
get a complimentary fried prawn cake so we agreed and XX
went to the car to get my wallet and it turned out the prawn cake was really

Don't believe it?

It's like a pathetic 50 cents sized prawn cake.
Felt so effing cheated but I can't complain coz he went all the way to get my wallet.

Despite making promises to act like a tourist I didn't snap much photos.

*Insert images of  us meeting XX’s folks to check in and shop for HRH's merchandise then return to USS*

Trying on hats on display.

Took a photo of a 'Happy Birthday' hat with 'candles' on top but it didn't turn out well.

If I forgot, I think I did, the purpose of us going to USS and staying at HRH was to celebrate my birthday.
A week earlier coz we wanna avoid school holiday's crowd.

erm.. I don't know who is he but he's friendly.

Marilyn Monroe!

Before that we went to conquer our fear!
Not Revenge of the Mummy, it was a warm-up.
Looking reluctant to go in.

Insane track!!!

I hovered around their entrance thinking to ride or not but gave in coz I
won't be going to USS everyday and that's the reason why we're there!

Really worried when I was waiting for our turn, my whole mind was,
"OMG OMG! How...."
In the end it wasn't scary at all!
All you had to do is to scream the fear fun out. In the past I acted fearless and suppress
all my feelings inside, when the ride reaches free fall I was ~___~"""""

Big Easy

Left USS after the ride and return to our room to wash up for dinner.
We were a huge HR fan hence thinking of having dinner at HR cafe but their waiting time was
1 hour!!!

Thought we'll be punished with lousy food for refusing to wait but Big Easy had
yummy American food.

Some prawn cocktail I ordered to satisfy my crunchy prawn cravings.
The sauce they provided tasted a tad like thousand island
which goes well with the prawn.

Char grilled Chicken portobello

Frankly speaking, the portobello is too fresh and charcoal smelling to my liking.
Every bite of the mushroom made me wanna give up eating.

Chicken was tender and I couldn't recognize the taste of the greens on the plate.
Looks like eggplant but crunchy.

1/4 pounder

XX's order. Sometimes we all need to stop thinking about calories and the fat we get.
I realized I haven't quite lived. 1/4 pounder tastes FREAKING AWESOME!

Pretty big too...

Taking our bites.

Ordered a pint of Hoegarden to accompany our dinner.
I don't understand what is 70% full/ 30% hungry, I'm either hungry or bloated.

*Inserts photo with me looking like a pregger*

Went to get gelato for dessert though we were too full to walk coz we told the cashier
we'll be back at night.

We kept our promise...



Took a stroll by the river to digest before going back.

Trying to imitate the display


Favorite foot wear to showcase our toes.
Actually, I don't agree to slippers but they're the most comfortable and
the thing you'll be dying to get after a day of heels/ shoe.

Hard Rock Hotel

Headed back to our room to watch Tv.
HRH's Tv Channels are really limited. We ended up watching Channel U whilst
masking our face.Stealing a kiss in the elevator

Our room number

This is kind of nonsense coz I forgot to take photos of the room..

Bar top

TWG offers excellent tea and macaroons!

Cute guitar toiletries holder

Stand Shower

It's such a disappointment when I go to a hotel and see a shower.
I want a bath tub!! *repeat as many times as possible*

2 super single bed

I don't know how this 2 beds looks like super single. They're almost like a queen size!
After telling XX's mum that I 'wrestle' in my sleep (kicking blankets and people sharing bed with me),
she laughingly asked me if the bed is big enough for me to sleep while she test the bed with
XX's dad.

Fell asleep right away at night and woke up in the morning
with XX looking at me. Swear I got a slight shock seeing 2 eyes in front of me.
I don't know how long did he stare for but I know I used to stare at my uncle/ bro till they are awake.



I miss their soft fluffy bed and blanket.


Peaceful morning

By the time we reached Vivo's Mc we were 1 minute too late for their breakfast
so we bought some dim sum to last me for our trip back to
the east where we met XX's family to celebrate birthday with the rest of
the March babies.



This mark the end of our 2 days at RWS!

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