Waddling in a book-store, I was amused with the amount of auto-help books, “how-to” manuals… OK, if it’s about cooking or related to the exact sciences, it makes sense (to me), as for the rest…”No comments” …
Actually… I will speak out a couple of thoughts… I’m contradictive, a paradox - I am shy and bold, generous and egocentric, an individual, multifarious and unique, just like the rest of the world. This is the kind of generalizations I believe in, not any other. How can anybody categorize and tag human beings as if we were mechanic, programmed robots? As Charles Chaplin said: “You’re not machines! Men is what you are!” Thus, I don’t get how people can believe in instruction booklets, such as: “men vs. women ways tricks”, “how to get more friends”, “how to get a boyfriend/ girlfriend”, etc so-called-books, that classify people into several types, and so on… Maybe it’s because of true desperation, j’sais pas (?) … And still, think again, how are you going to master at communication and socializing skills if you don’t mingle and get real and personal interacting with actual people?.. A person has to overcome the fear of suffering through personal experiences, otherwise it would be like … For me, whoever gets to a final, square, dogmatic verdict, simply got tired of thinking analytically. It’s as if the person “switches on” the auto-pilot program, which leads me to think he/ she got tired of living, or wants to merely exist. (How depressing!)
How do you know that you don’t like something if you have never tried it before, just because it’s extravagant, like say, truffles, caviar or escargots? (Maybe a silly example… or maybe not) Just because somebody else said it’s “too strong”, (exquisite?) “fish eggs”, “too fishy”, or “blah” (blahblah), you may be missing a potential favorite food of yours. “Life is wonderful if you’re not afraid of it” – Yes, I am referring to the “ups” as well as the “downs”…How can you know that you’re happy, if you have never been sad? …You may be priving yourself from the blissful relief that releasing those strained tears may bring (once in a while, I don’t encourage anybody to become a Maria Magdalena)… By the same token, what a liberating sensation - to laugh out loud with all the strength you have within! How dull (and distressing) to be devoid of a cry, and/ or laugh, like Monalisa… (unless you’re trying to impress someone with a “mysterious air” pose, of course)…
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