
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Moola #3 with appreciation

I just received my third cheque from Nuffnang:D My first cheque took me 1 year plus. Second cheque, one year and third cheque only six months! :D

Although its not a big amount but its a small achievement for my blog:)
Thank you everyone for reading my blog and/or clicking on my ad(s).
To show my appreciation, I'm giving out a mystery gift to a lucky someone!:)

It's easy!! Just email your NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS to Before 12th March '11, midnight! Everyone is welcome to join! My friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

I will lucky draw out one name and email the lucky person on 13th March 11!
Good Luck with thanks!!!^^
freshly sent from my wanna-be-pink white BlackBerry!

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