
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SoyJoy Snack Out blogger event

Finally I'm able to switch on my stubborn laptop after lots of try. I really don't know what is wrong with my laptop but it just couldn't be switched on or it'll freeze, change colour and shuts down after a while. My laptop is not even 1 year old!

Andy got invited to the SoyJoy's event so me and Rinn went down as partner.

It was held at screening room, somewhere near The Scarlet Hotel. Ah.. The Philip's event is still lingering in my mind.

Yeah! I got my Philips 10 in 1 multi-styler :D

How do I look with curls?
P/s: Don't say I'm forever ugly uh.

I was late meeting them at Chinatown and we walked a short distance to the screening room and outside was tables filled with clean passes.
Witness my ugly handwriting.
I'm going to pick up calligraphy!! Mum's sponsoring me. Not like the knitting class, my sis and aunt told me it was real challenging and wonder what would happen if I were to learn. Lucky I went for the Philips' event.

We got to the screening room [(the place was named screening room with screening room inside) what rubbish was I talking about -.-] and saw snacks, not knowing we got cheated!
The highlight of the day wasn't about the event but Andy falling down! He didn't notice the steps and tripped, was like, "aaaa... ah~!" and everybody turned around. The scene is still repeating itself.. hahaha! :D



Me and Andy.
We were shown Super Size Me for the movie screening and after watching it nobody had the intention of going to MacDonald's. Way to go!

I don't know what is that gentleman's name but he is SoyJoy's marketing manager..

Posing with SoyJoy. To be honest, I personally thinks SoyJoy taste bad.

I was there as a partner so I don't have to help advertise. Thanks god.

We were asked to tick what we ate and all the things we had was high in GI - Glycemic Index! Something that is unhealthy if taken too much and exist in your food. Even you have a tiny winy bite its not gonna make any difference.
That's why I said we got cheated cause everything there is high GI.

Smile with SoyJoy...

After that we went for supper and had tang yuan (that white ball with fillings) and white carrot cake, I don't like black carrot cake. I wanted to order oyster omelette without oyster cause I don't really like seafood and only want the starchy feeling.

The ants hidden under a food tray.

SoyJoy just sent me this photo. I'm a high GI snacker. I'm not going to pick you up, I tell you!

Off to bed,

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