
Friday, December 19, 2008


*knock knock* and I saw a postman holding my parcel on top a stack of letters!

Everybody in my family was asking me if the myglamourplace can be trusted for the past few days cause they've heard so many negative reviews from people who shop online.

Like how they got cheated and all.

Now they know its safe :D

I don't have nets neither credit card and this make shopping online such a chore. Many times I wanna ship things from aboard but I can't.. All I could do is sit and watch people hugging what I want while drooling.

These are my Chinese New Year's clothes. Man.. I'm not gonna get married and take ang bao from my relatives every year :D That's stupid, I know.

Anybody have URL for shops that sell Victoria's Secret bags? Let me know!

And mum broke my nails. So botak.

With Love,

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