
Saturday, December 27, 2008

1st Nuffnang cheque

After all the waiting I got my cheque! It took such a long long time.. I'll be going down to Nuffnang's office on Monday to collect my DXO goodies bag cause I was too young for the party (min. 18 years old).

No matter how much I don't look my age I still can't get in.

Nuffnang called me a long long time ago.. Like December 9th? They said the cheque is mailed out with the signature forgotten and I got to send it back to them when I received it :( Tsk!

Thank god! The cheque was actually signed and now I don't have to wait for another decade. Yipee!

Gonna drop the cheque before it goes missing. See ya!!
I'll update soon :D

Should I do a new year resolution
How I've changed from January '08 to December '08
Top 10 favourite buy in '08
All?? Comment yah :D

With Love,

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