
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bugis to Plaza Singapura to Orchard

Hello darlings!!

I went shopping for 7 hours again :D This time with JeffreyYan. His having his holidays while I'm looking for decent clothes and obviously, having my holidays too. Not like clothes around me are indecent.. They just seemed to look the same.

Everything happened yesterday. As usual, I met him at my void deck and took public transport to Bugis.

I was thinking about cutting my hair but scratch that idea after I looked at my wallet. Its going to suffer from anorexia soon follow by me.

I'm sssooooo smart with specs.

Am so glad I didn't cut my hair.

Had tea break at Bugis streets.

puo lou bao~
Small yet yummy yum yum. An a cup of 'si wah' milk tea.

Half of the usual Frech toast.
I'm going to HongKong next year's March and should I get a birthday chalet??
After tea we walked to Plaza Sing and shopped at Daiso. I didn't know I can WALK there and it took us only 15 minutes. Singapore is smaller than I thought !

We bought sushi from Cold Storage, sat outside the mall on its warm stone ground. Before we even eat, there was this guy asking us to do a survey about our goals in life. Like the kind of house, car and salary we wanna have.
I wanna earn S$1 million a month, stay in a bungalow and have a limousine with chauffeur. Totally realistic.

My blogging bug has gone to bed before me and finishing this post is making me staring at the monitor longer than usual.
The balloon was bigger than the crescent.

Santa Claus is coming to town in 21 days!

Singapore kids will never believe that Santa Claus will climb into their house through chimney and give them present cause non of us have chimney at home.

Christmas lighting is everywhere. Soon it'll be Chinese New Year.
I'll be staying at home for Christmas and lower my air-con's temperature to 16 degrees then enjoy the chill. Jostling with the crowd is nothing nice.

Jeff brought me to Takashimaya and I stood at the Food & Drinks area for a bloody half hour before I saw the Information counter.

How can I be so blur?!
I forgot the sale then the information counter. Need to go for brain check-ups.

When we went to make purchase I saw this machine -.-

That's us without macro and my dear darling honey sweet dearest dad got me a new phone. I'll show you tomorrow. Guess guess!

On my way home I bought this planner at the bus interchange for $3.90.

And I overlooked that it doesn't have Sunday and date written on it.
Blur like sotong.

With love,

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