
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas eve!!

Its Christmas eve already!

Time flies with rocket speed. My family's not celebrating Christmas and I'm not gonna get anything from anyone :(

And dad still owe me money making me so broke and miserable staying at home during Christmas eve and can't think of what to blog about!


I'm gonna stay out of town tomorrow! Don't wanna get myself lost in the crowd.
& 2009 is coming.

Buying a planner and write 2009 for 50 times. Every time a new year starts I still write the previous year when I write date.

I got a bruise for my Christmas present. I've been such a blur toot recently. Remembering wrong date (I told nuffnang the wrong date 3 times for my goodie bag collection), hit on a 'wet floor' yellow sign under my block and hit on my own sofa!

All those happened yesterday T.T

oh god.

Got my Passion card :D But the name turns out to be Claireching instead of ClaireChing. Tsk!

With love,

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