
Monday, October 6, 2008


Non of the song playing on itune seems pleasant to me. Woke up this morning with my body aching like hell and it feels like my inner organs slided to the left.

The feeling was horrible. Amazingly, I went to school and survived without vomiting my intestine out.

Mundane mundane! Its all about studying now. No more shopping. No more leisure. Just more studying.

I've got some things planned for after O. So does my ever loving parents.

The end of rebellious kid. I'm a 16 years young cum sensible lady! or maybe a self-proclaimed one. Who cares? as long as I'm happy.

Sis got her pay cheque and we got down to Vivo city for free dinner. The queue for every restaurant was so loooonnngg..

While sis and aunt queue for food the usual 3 (me mum bro) went for Ben and Jerry ice-cream. That was the ice-cream we shared. A small scoop $4.80 chocolate -.-

Settled on dian xiao er.

snow fog for dessert.

I'm going to mug or so I say.

Au revoir,

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