
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I love vanan!! Not like we're having some illicit relationship but thanks to him I am 3rd time satisfied with the compo I wrote.

Today's topic had Greed as it's question 2. God is so kind to me. I love you! I editted the story which I mentioned previously and threw everything in.

Now I'm left with geography, Emath (totally not my forte. Sure all of you know how much I suck at math.), Physic, SS.. Basically everything apart from Chemistry and English.

There's 4 person (including me) at my BLK taking O level and our mother know each other. OMG, how not nice can this be?

I'm wanna buy Night of Fancy and Madame. I know its a lil bit ridiculous but I'm buying madame cos I like the model -.-

With love,
ClaireChing ;]

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