
Friday, October 31, 2008

Alot of chinarean and Abit of sex

Happy Halloween!

Dad, sis and I have been talking about sex few moments ago.

There's more and more chinareans in Singapore than ever before. Every shop you go you'll see chinarean. Even restaurants, food court, toilet, park. Esp geylang!!
OMG, there's tons of chinareans there and when people mention chinareans, we'll only have images of female chinareans forming in your head. How about the males?

Do you know there have been news report that male chinareans went to chinatown and asked old uncles for sex? Eww.. Why all of them target old a-peh? How about old aunties?
Opps. I forget they cheat old aunties money using gemstones/apples. Whatever. Back to the a-pei.

Have you wonder how come why these chinareans will be with those old a-pei when they are so old that they can hardly satisfy their desire and had to take viagra to enhance their male potency then die on bed due to overdose or heart attack?
Long sentence uh?

Duh, it's obviously money. Yet some a-pei are so gullible and believe that these cheena by calling them darling and 'ai ren', have sex with them mean they love them. They ended up having all their money squeezed dry and then their family ignoring them eventually some jump down and die.

They so deserved it.

P/s: Having sex with an old man is the easiest way to kill them apart from just pig trotter and oily food.

With SS textbook picturing in mind,

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