
Friday, October 17, 2008

Ahead of the news

Finally I'm got juicy thing to blog after after so so long. I'm busy with my O level and Ms Ng is sending us set after set of math paper. I haven't even done her 13 oct papers and now I have 16 and 17 oct paper with me.

Ms Ng really love us alot.

Anyhow, the MacDonald at located next to the CPF building EXPLODED!! OMG! I heard that the gas somehow leaked causing the explosion.

Pity the dumb shop beside it. I had to spend a few seconds thinking about what was the shop located beside it.

The poor shop is all black. Next to it was a pawn shop, half black. Those shop owners placed a table outside their black shop with a couple of customers asking about their valuable.
Mac's insurance company is gonna burn big hole.

You'll know why shortly.


Pardon the lousy quality. I don't know why my camera turned out like this, guess its time to change. Gonna curry flavour dad.

While I was taking the photos and all, there was this guy with a neat haircut asking me, "Is your camera good?" I show him the photo and sent him the photos I took. He better don't go around and say he took those pictures. I'll make sure NUS explode right in his underwear (His a smart guy studying in NUS, woo~).

I saw Zul, Raizen and company.

That pathetic shop. The whole mac is black.

I was so happy when I knew that MacDonald exploded and went there to took all these photos and video after lunch.

The whole row of shop next to Mac. And you think this is all?

Watch a video first.

The affected area stink horribly. Imagine those gas used to heat oil that are later used to fry those french fries that can last for 3 months in the air without spoiling. And and, food eaten. Aiyah, you know I don't like mac. So I'll stop it.

After a bend there's another stretch of shop affected.

Can I say this explosion made my day? Hopefully nobody is hurt which I think chances are rare.
& the lost of those shop owner excluding the uber rich mac which I don't give a damn.

I pity their insurance company. May god bless you.

With love,

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