
Sunday, August 24, 2008


It's amazing how a hiatus in studying can make me forget all my concepts. My entire family including my aunt went to suntec - tour fair.

This time round no more grandma along. Previously, we went to korea with my ah ma and she gave me hell. I thought I could stand her nagging but she kept going on and on for the next 8 days.

But my mum's and aunt's friends are going. I just called them and dad said Japan's full.
& we're going to hongkong.

As long as there's no malaysia or country which is hot like hell I'm alright. My cantonese is horrifying. Whatever lah! I still can shop.

Bought smitten before yesterday's train ride.

And they have a section on local delight - an alternative of frigging expensive stuff.

I love cheap stuff remember?? Especially those that can make me look like a million yet cheap like don't know what. Have a rich look, have a rich pocket. Inspiration from 'have a break, have a kit kat.'

I had this post about winmark boutique during may and they are featured on smitten this month. See See.

Cheap clothes :))

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They even sell your mother's apparels.

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