
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nuffnang's Wall-E movie preview

Changed yesterday's post title. This few day's weather is pretty much better than past few days, don't you think so?? No strong sun rays and finally I got the kick to study!!
& there isn't anything better than that.

I can't study during hot weather unless I'm in school and Suhaib's beside me crapping with me while I talk to him about how chio I am and he being flat-chested.

Anyhow.. I found this strand of hair among the millions and millions I have the other day. And it was said that such hair will turn white after sometime so I cut it off.
But its a pretty gold shade which I like alot, kept it in my drawer and going to dye my hair that colour after O :D

Cool right?? taking a strand of hair to a stylist and tell him I wanna dye this colour.

Did I mentioned in my previous post that I'm going to stop buying GUESS purse and have a totally brandless yet convenient card holder as a substitute?? I told huili about it and was totally ... by her.

Me: I've decided to stop buying GUESS already.
Huili: actually GUESS is very cheap.
Huili: do you know my sister got one friend who always tell her, "don't tell people that I wear GUESS, don't tell people I wear topshop" cause its considered very cheap.
Me: yeah yeah, I know. My sis bought a stupid gucci purse so small also $475.
Huili: anyway gucci also very cheap.
Me: yeah yeah, I know.

I was going so 'yeah yeah, I know' that the sentence came out of me so unintentionally. Was totally .... about she telling me gucci is cheap. what have the world turned in to?? gucci also cheap. $475 leh!! and topshop is Hollywood celebrities' favorite shop somemore!


Why can't I even afford a cheap gucci, prada, burberry or louis vuitton??

Whatever up there, I really dislike that print on my card holder and nail polish removal can take up that job for you.

Any absolute favorite of mine is nail polish and diamante. One fine day, suhaib was asking me to choose between various things such as father, mother, sister, brother, magazine, money etc or thingummy.

But he never know that apart from my family (putting money aside) there's still nail polish and diamante. If there's this guy who strongly dislike nail polish and diamante, I tell you, he can go and die straight away.

And the print started to fade away.

Ta da! Amazing right?

If you wonder where is my preview it down there. Let me finish my yesterday first, I stuided okay?!

ya ya, continue. Was having Chinese paper 2 with vanan walking here and there then stop beside me, "your nails is very long uh. cut it. and i don't want those polish polish."

He definitely have something wrong that day. You call this long nails!! then what is short. huh? huh? you tell me??

cutting your nails along the tip will cause ingrown nails. so cut a cross. Straight or leave a gap like mine.

Dad never see a need to change his tooth brush every 3 months nor watch this diet. Only pocket.
& I threw away his toothbrush.

Got him a new oral-B brush, wrote down the date to change and I think I wrote it the chinese word wrongly.

Here it is. I got to thank andy for asking me to exchange msn with him. Cause I did the wall-e post soon after I got the mail. To my horror I sent it to the wrong person!!
& managed to win the tickets still.

Twin (stepharina) told me that she got history seminar which ends at 12pm but she was bar from attending it cause mdm lee didn't tell them that its uniform day.
& I met her today.

Woke up at 9am and got to Shaw at 11.45am like before anybody else does and was told that my name wasn't inside. Found out that I was categorised under the-last-minute-one.

Walked around the mall next to shaw while waiting for twin. I LOVE MY KIMONO.

Dad paid for it alongside of a boho tube dress. Its not at all normal for dad to buy me clothes. The last time he bought me some wear thing was 2005 and it was 2 really comfy pants.

I was trying to spot Andy and twin was like, "how to? there's so many people." So I sat there waiting for everybody to leave the theatre while I spot Andy.

And I saw jessica. I SAW JESSICA. Jeremy Zhang. I SAW JESSICA. Envious uh?

Took a photo while waiting and mum likes her dimple alot..

Spotted andy and took a photo.

I can't believe I look so cock cum aunty. I've been holding my handbag too much and whenever I'm taking photo my arms are 90 degrees. Ugly uh! Swear I'll change it.

Take 2.

I was so tempted to touch his braces and I'm having one on soon :DD Took a group shot and I was saying I can't see anything cause I'm too short.


Shopped around and went home. Anyway, the movie was not a bad one but don't watch it on a weekend cause I think it only worth $6.

Good Night!

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