
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday night and saturday

Remember I said I register for Temasek Poly's PG seminar?

Mum squeezed out 5 hours for me, anyway she's super free apart from all the never ending housework. She's always nagging that she don't have time for shopping and dad's always asking her to spend some time out of the house. It's actually super contradicting. When my mum goes out, my dad will complain that she's out to long when only 2 hours had passed then made one of us call her -.-

Tp sent me and mum letters about the seminar on Saturday. And my mum was kicking up a big fuss about why I registered for her blah blah.

She totally forgot about me telling her that I registered for her.

Their post card.

And how was the program lined up.

The stickers for us.

Engineering was uber popular. All the seats was taken up when we were there. Who cares? I have totally 0 interest on engineering.

And there they went talking about Tp..

The hundreds of people excluding those way up.

The goodies they gave.

Leaflets and a pen.

Their feedback form which I forgot to fill in.

They had an interview about their graduate and student.

It was talk talk and talk. First about the school then the subject. Went to LT 31 for more talk on the subject.

The refreshments which everybody was waiting for and you get to see people taking lots and lots of food which you don't think they can finish.

And I think ladies actually spend more than just 3 years of their life queuing. Even when you wanna go to toilet you still have to queue. Sometimes I just wish I can disguise myself and got to guy's toilet.

After the refreshments was talk on diploma on psychology studies.

I'm not being racist but why does Indian always have an odour? There was this Indian family sitting in front of us and mum was complaining about how stink they stink.

At first I thought she was being too sensitive and I didn't wanna change the seats. When everything ended we walked down the stairs. EWWW!! it's as though someone vomited.

Just what brand of shampoo and shower creme are they using?

How my postcard looks like.

I picked up the one next to me and got shocked by the drawing. I can draw better.

That was where the indian family sat. Just in front.

After the seminar, we walked to grandma house and booked tickets for 12 lotus.

I'm so filled up with irritation. Fill you in later.

Usually ding tai feng for dinner and glad that my aunt ain't as crazy as my mum who'll always choose seoul garden. I tell you I hate seoul garden. Their food totally suck.


a plate of super duper small drunken chicken. The plate is only the size of my hand.

Prawn and steamed pork dumpling.

After we're done eating we went to catch our movie. Grandma sat beside me during the movie, initially I was rather happy with her sitting next to me but she was talking bloody lot during movie. I asked her to keep quiet but she continue talking, saying that she's only talking. OMFG!
& I asked her to shut up 3 times and she couldn't care less.

Even before the movie she was nagging about the price and blame me and my mum for telling her there's senior citizen discount. We simply wanted her to watch a movie cause 46 years ago was her last movie.

Done with the movie, I went to Xcraft with a happy mind that I can buy 2 cheap top home there grandma went repeating that the shirt's too big for me, the shoulder area was too large and the shirt's fall too low.

Damn it. I'm going to her house later on and getting nag for the clothes again.

I didn't read through this post before I post it. Bye!

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