
Monday, August 25, 2008


OMG! My tummy is cramping like mad. Its been a nice monday with a fantastic headline I tell you. School's been giving their students sexuality course which is fucking boring and teaching us in an ultra boring way with those lousy videos.

You think those people ever bothers?? I'm getting a promise ring for myself. Yes, miley cyrus was interviewed by seventeen and she told them she's asked her mum to get her one to remind herself not to have pre-marital sex. I have no idea what's my image on you so please tell me about it ( I'll blog about it) but I'm definitely a no to pre-marital sex person no matter how much I talk about it.

How can we resist temptation??

Whatever, today's fantastic headline is this!!! See.

Nothing can be more embarrassing than this. You kiss in the public and other's took a photo of you then the next moment you're on the headline.

Why is that idiot such a busybody to take a photo of this people kissing.

p/s: If any of you know which school it is, tell me uh.. It's not springfield. The uniform don't have green lines.

Some of the students were asked if they know the danger of unprotected sex and when they replied 'No', those counsellor actually believed it.

Do they really think that normal academic/ technical students are stupid and only they will have sex so sexuality course were only given to them (read the papers)? Express/special stream students not human?

By replying 'No' saves them from more questions.

F&N practical today.

Note* Everything done today are NOT only by me, there's other people from my class and mdm teo was the teacher who taught us all this.

Mdm teo was like, "you take the photo, later people think that you did everything."
Okay. So I assured her that I will tell the whole world that she taught us all those things. Happy? hahaha.

Charred bread.

turned over with cheese and sugar, glazed with eggs.

sausage roll.

turned over after baking.

See.. I like flaky pastry.

Some of those food were my breakfast. Saved $4 :)

Ratatouille. I don't have to spend ages doing the flaky pastry for my apple studel anymore!!

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