
Monday, April 5, 2010

It's April

Goodbye March!
The month where I got my nails done twice in a week and ruined it in 4 hours and woke up mad early just to have breakfast at Coffee Club while people watching (Y)

I have to make a point to do something special every month, week and eventually everyday so I don't feel like I'm wasting my life afterall we only live once. So don't think twice and live it well! Sounds so mawkish.

April's fool was never my favorite day. Back in high school I'm always annoyed by people who go around playing pranks on others or worst! Some wimp actually confess to people on this day and exclaim, "Happy April's fool!" when they are rejected.

Thankful I haven't have friends like those. They came earlier, 2 of them, for pancakes and we made a mess on the table with food we bought - ice-cream, whipped cream and berries that's almost half rotten from NTUC etc.

All the trouble for this.

I asked them to play dress up with me but they couldn't stand the burning heat and decided to unbutton a bit.

Pancakes need not always be round.

Huge pancake topped with berries.

Forget about washing when you have friends who lose in rock scissors paper and have to wash all the mess for you while you get changed.

Another day with geek specs and my union jack dress.
I'm wearing it so frequently I stay asking myself if I really have no clothes or what. Blogshops' clothes are mediocre and I'm too lazy to shop.. Oh wells.

Extra reason to be a cabber!

Faster and more worth it when you have friends to share them with you *insert heart here*

Lunch @MOF
Service sucked badly that day. Getting someone's attention was like calling for help in the middle of the desert but they have nice people working in customer service who replied to my complain mail despite having waitress who made us thought we owe them a life when we pay our bill.

Got a sugar jar from grandma and dumped all my movie tickets inside. Imma go downstairs and check my mailbox!


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