
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Even if it ain’t all it seems, I got a pocketful of dreams

I really wonder how did I manage to blog everyday when I was stuck in school. Doing that now is almost impossible! It's like who will be interested in your school's life? Seriously. As if everybody will choose to attend school if they have a choice. And I'm starting to dislike school. Yes. I don't know why. Suddenly I feel like there's something better I can do instead of studying. Then I think again, what can I do if I don't study? And I'm back to square one - Schooling.

Oh wells. That remark was almost useless. Sure most people stop and think about why are they studying. I even heard of people who further their study all the way to PhD and when asked why, they said they didn't know what to do. Now. Compare that with a hawker who knows what his doing and what he wants. Perhaps the comparison with hawker is too far off but you know what I mean. It's not always a PhD holder is smarter than a hawker. Since when you need algebra and trigonometry in life? At least till now I haven't even use it. NOT EVEN ONCE!

People grow up to be more and more realistic. Just that I've been so since young. If anybody were to ask me to choose between a candy and a dollar. Obviously I'll go for a dollar. When being good in art is not smart. Being good in math and science is. And most of the time when people suck at math/ science they'll be good in art.

But I happen to suck at all this. Okay. I still don't see the point of me saying these.

Red Dream.


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