
Friday, March 5, 2010

To be deleted

I was waiting for my dental check up and realized guys I met who got close with me soon after will tell me to change. Ego is often the thing they talk to me about. I seriously do not have ego problem (screw you if you think this sentence just proved that I have it). Telling me I have ego problem when you barely know me? I'm not implying that I am perfect and everything I do is right. So are you!

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make the change - Man in the Mirror by Micheal Jackson

Having me telling you everything about myself doesn't mean you can act smart and tell me to change whatever you think is wrong with me. I'm tired of telling people what is inside me and in the end they just think they know everything about me. All the time is people I know I am crushing on telling me that. Don't be surprise cause I won't like you the next moment. I never allow myself to feel anything when people do something for me let alone liking a person before I know him/ her. Been there done that and never wasted more time as compared to anything.

I don't need people to change me. Why should I bother about you when you can't accept me for who I am? I'm not a person that's very very mean or unreasonable. I don't like it that people who barely knew me trying to change me. You might think you know a lot about me. Is that really the case? Stop assuming. You don't. You're just annoying me and making me distant myself from you.

Let say I change. What are you going to do? Pick another thing about me and there I go. Another thing to change. WTF is this! You tell me. All I will get is plain fucking nonsense. FYI, I am self conscious enough to stop and reflect about myself.

Only during times like this do I feel like a teenager. Fighting for something my parents don't believe in.

I get aggressive when (I feel that) people ask/ look/ peep at my screen. What is it in me that you wanna know that you haven't? Who am I conversing with and what are we talking about. Is it that interesting? Do you even need to know? Care and concern is pure excuse for such actions. I will tell if I want to. If I don't then wait. Can't wait? Too bad. Should I not tell it means you don't need to know.

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