
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Officially 18.

I can now take driving license! Forget about smoking and drinking. I like neither.

When I was younger I used to dream of myself driving, the feeling was better than shopping. Seriously. Okay, I know after I've gotten my license and drive for years, it won't be fascinating anymore but the thought of it..

Remember I mentioned I wanna have steamboat for my birthday? Didn't? Maybe I twitted Micro-blogging. Faster than blogging!

I'm 18!
Thanks for all the wishes at Facebook, twitter and SMS.

Poor friends of mine, had to make do with newspaper covered coffee table for mahjong. How I love them for not complaining and bringing me lots of joy.


Camera shy Cheng Heng.

Don't you think the photos were super clear? Thankful Edelyn had an SLR that work wonder despite being an antique. Thumbs up for SLR!

Ban luck.



Cheng Heng.
Kudo for getting this shot!

12 March babe!

Pony tail!

When you have long hair, you want it short. When it's short, you want it long. Now I want it long but refuse to get hair extension. I shall perm/ dye till it's long!

By the end of CNY I was sick of it but that's the easiest way to make sure everybody have something to eat. Thank mum for preparing all the soup base and food.


That's what happen when you get your hands on SLR. You can't stop taking photos cause all of them turn out pretty!

My brother.

Even vegetable looks crispy.

Girlfriends <3
High school life would have been a tragic without them.


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