
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Surprise surprise surprise!!

School is eating all my time. For the 8 days that I haven't been blogging blame school!
Now I understand what is meant by too busy to blog. Its not can't be bothered.
It's too tired. Every night I reach home the last thing I wanna do is stare at the damn screen.
All my wrinkles and fine lines are coming out >:(

Blogging today cause I have no idea what is going on in class.
Sucking my blood dry.

Continued at 2.45pm

Presentation is over!
Free loader. Too moody to do anything and there's
UT for the next 2 days T.T

Had another shoot on Sunday, 24 May at Raffles' Place.
And I've got a couple of photos. I'll blog about it soon (:
I said I'll update again in the previous post. Didn't mention soon.

Went for my larling's, Zam, gig - Terribad - on Sunday!
His (Zam) the guy in black shirt with white prints and mic on his hands.

Though I sneak out during the gig - the music was too loud for my ear -he did us proud.
Real proud.

You sang well larling! =D

Here's the surprise. Ready??

I find this divider a bit too long.
Oh wells.
Got a stylist from Twister to shorten my hair.

I didn't suffer any great shock whatsoever.
All the while I've wanted to see how I look like with short hair since all the those at the end dried up, why not??

Now that I've seen enough, it's time for extension!!
No doubt. Extension. Serious.

After the gig.
He is my larling. Click here if you wanna see how he looks like.

I woke up at 6am that day for the shoot I mentioned above and ate my meals all together.
Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.

The 3 of us shared a cab to Sim Lim Square for Hokkien Mee. On our way there I saw me!

Me: I'm in front leh!
Zam: Where?? *looking at green book van advertisement*
Me: There! In front. *points to figuring*
Zam: -__-" I thought its the van you know!

Searched through Sim Lim Square for my silicon keyboard cover but the price just went more and more ridiculous. Like $10 more expensive that kind of thing.

Anyhow, we walked to iluma and saw this gigantic ice-cream! Serves 3 - 5 person. Look at the price and imagine the size. The sight of it gave me a disgusting sweetness on my tongue.
I can't wait to see people eat it =D

Since the 3 of us couldn't finish such a big ice - cream which is damn obvious, we made do with a small one.

How well do you like my new haircut?
Freaking chio right! (if you really think I meant it)

I really need to go for extension la. Short hair like mine isn't easy to maintain. I have to spent 15 minutes drying it and still it won't be perfect. Now everybody will know I didn't wash my hair just by looking at it. Tsk!

There's UT tomorrow.
Gonna go to bed early, good night.
I'll update SOON. Cause I'm going to Aussie.

Love ya,

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