
Friday, May 8, 2009

Retail therapy-ed 2

I think I'm going to be mad and sit outside a temple (soliciting for money) if this continues. Shopping to lift spirit. And I don't mean I'm broke. I'm freaking NOT broke.
Maybe not now =S

Anyhow, I met Edelyn!! after school yesterday...

We share the same birthday and have so many similarity. Love it!
*note: The both of us don't look this ugly usually.

I was supposed to be the one shopping but she ended up spending a whole lot more than me.
Oh dear.

Sushi Tei for dinner! It was my first time eating it.
Thank you for the treat =D

Food !!
Damn. I'm feeling sleepy and hungry like little match girl.
And I'm too lazy to brush my teeth after food. Ahh!!

Its rice!!
I was prohibiting myself from eating rice last week cause Sylvia (classmate) told me that she haven't eat rice for 2 years and slimmed hell lot!
Plus I want to slim down so badly.

Apparently, my weight didn't drop but I can see my waist. After 2 days I can't be bothered.

Noodle which I didn't finish.
We don't like to eat hot stuff cause it make us slow down then tired. Keeping the fact that rice makes me fat I chose noodle. And ya..

I bought a pair of flower (earring).
Only $2. What a bargain.

To girlfriends esp Huili: PLEASE don't kill me. I'm not mad. Really. My Guess is more than a year old and I never used a wallet this long. So I deserve something good!

I bought a Burberry wallet! A wallet after one long year!!

It's bloody authentic,
I love you!

Alright, I'm super tired.
Been up for 17 hours. Dying..


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