
Friday, November 7, 2008

Pre-lit revising and waxxy!

You might be like thinking, what's there to study for lit. That's why its my favourite subject. All you do is read and dig out the implied meaning and convince the marker that you're Claire - clear, bright, brilliant.

Aren't that easy? But please don't ask me how much I got for my lit during prelim and throughout the years that I have taken lit. You'll be laughing your front tooth off.

Whatever, I went out studying with Stepharina, Ariyani, Shikin, Sebast and JianHong who joined us before me and steph went shopping on Thursday. Now I don't have any blog debt :(

Started studying until a male ABC (American born Chinese) set beside us. Man, that was a guy with slanted eye. Steph bended down to pick something up and he was giving her a slanted look which those lecher do when a girl bends down.
I was hoping that the guy will look at me and feel peiseh cause I was staring at him the whole time.

I can't read for more than 30 minutes an started measuring everybody's middle finger. And I found out that though both hand is your's the length of your fingers are different from the other hand. That's fun fact.

ClaireChing: 7.2cm.

Ariyani: 7.8cm

Shikin: 7.6cm

Stepharina: 7.8cm

Sebast: 8.4cm

His an exception. His a guy and long finger means he have a long you-know-what. Damn. This is proven. A couple of my sis friends were talking about how accurate it is few years back. They measured their left middle finger from the tip till the ball under their middle finger then measure their dick. Same length.
Don't ask me thickness how to measure. I don't know.

2 hours and we (Steph, Ariyani and me) got off out chair leaving shikin alone at coffee bean to take care of our everything. I told her, "You can loss my handphone but not my camera".
If I lost my camera I'll go rob Best Denki for a new canon camera.

We walked pass Mary Chia promotion site and a man gave us a stalk of rose and we did a survey in return.

They gave us a complimentary paraffin wax. I love playing with candle especially those from IKEA. Light 'em and touch the hot wax. Please ah, I'm not trying to SM myself but the aftermath is just so cool and fun peeling.

Happy girls.

The wax is drying!!

Wear a glove and wait for 10 minutes.

My turn.
Warm wax~

We went back to collect our stuff and continued shopping. Mum bought me a pair of heel from Charles and Keith! One more heels to go - Americaya :D

Heavy bag.
There's still phy/chem MCQ to go.
With love,

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