
Friday, November 14, 2008

7 hours of shopping

Right now I'm feeling tired all over. My hands and my legs and my foot. Oh boy. I should have asked someone to hold my bag for me. Okay, set. The next time I go shopping I'll bring a guy along and ask him to hold my bag(s) for me.

Dad came into our room in the morning and gave me $50 for shopping. - happy. That was what I requested from him last week. I was telling him, "are you going to give me $50 for shopping since my O is over and take it as a reward for me?" when he wants to talk to me.

Dad's $50 made me so kind and generous enough to fry egg and ham for sis as her breakfast. Now, one more good news, I hope by saying this out here won't change anything but dad is letting me have braces cause my cousin's girlfriend is having braces on and told him that each time I go to the dentist he only need to pay $200. Damn. My dad rather believe an outsider than me. I told him that so many times and he never get it in his head.

Mum was screaming at me, saying that I'm more and more like my sister spending hours on make-up, preparing and being late in the end. *faint*

I wasn't late and didn't spend hours on make-up and preparing. She's just... pms-sy. Torture to those around her. Her mood is like on a swing.

On that bus there was this chinarean telling her kid that was beside me, "Hey, look at the jie jie beside you, she's so pretty, fair and fat" I was like OMFG! fat?!

Perhaps it's really a fact cause we saw Mdm Stacey Low and she went, "Is this Claire? You put on weight." Oh god! Save me, I want to slim down.

& now I know why so many teachers left the school.

We had lunch at a can't-make the grade restaurant and this is Izzati.

Ariyani and my TWIN!! (stepharina)

Our pineapple rice in a pineapple. Don't try. Please, don't try. Don't bother looking for the restaurant. I know I'm damn evil here but please, they don't worth the money. I'm cheapskate but I don't mind spending money on food that make-my-grade. Bad food gives bad mood.

Homemade Ice lemon tea. Nothing beats the Ice Lemon tea at Blk 824 tampines st 81. Their's the best *thumbs up*

Aloe Vera with ice.

After lunch, oh ya, I still owe steph 45cents from lunch. Anyhow, we started our 7 hours of shopping and stopped at this shopping which have no electricity. Blackout.

We were at Far East Plaza.

Fur collar.

After that Steph and I went to Great Hyatt to ask for part-time job vacancy but we couldn't find the HR department. The guy from the baggage reception told us a path way to lead to no where but a few bangalas. You think we dare to go up?

Why is it like this? If up there are Chinese we'll go up but bangalas and Indians.. They seemed to be categorised differently even though they are humans. Black is threatening.

We went from Far East to Ck Tangs. Tried on clothes with the girls.

Here's the before.

Pretty Izzati.

Izzati and Ariyani.

Me with the dress and Izzati.

Ariyani and me.


Next stop, from Ck Tangs to Takashimaya to Wisma. Ariyani went to look for dresses again even though the previous dresses was from Daniel Yam too while I kept Izzati and steph who was drinking outside entertained.
Halfway, Fairus came to join us.
Halfway, I left with Steph to join her mum (my new mummy!).

We were waiting for steph's mum to come out from the toilet and set down after 5 hours of shopping.
We went back to Takashimaya and ate at a Japanese restaurant. Good food = good mood.

Her mum took photos for us to show steph's dad her new found friend or not so new but new to her parents. When steph was trying to bluetooth the photos to her phone she saw this guy with his nickname, the one highlighted in white.
It means, I'm a virgin (male) what am I afraid of?

Their menu.
My pork cutlet..


Steph's tofu.. waiting for her carbonara. Man, I suddenly miss the trip to suntec with sebast and suhaib. I was so fun and pressure-free.
I love to go out with guys and know what I do no have to fall for them or submit to them.

My new mummy's don't know what set.

Steph's carbonara.
We shared the food.

Their tissue. Yeah, I'm mad. even the tissue I also wanna take.

Dessert time!

Green tea ice-cream. The ice-cream was so firm. Not like those normal MacDonald's ice-cream.


I went to the toilet and found my fake lash ticking out of place and ready to fall off (not that bad actually).

My arms and legs are really tired. Can't wear to be glued to the bed.

One more before you miss me.

We got back to Tampines and bought my ELLE pillow while the 2 of steph and her mum went to collect a ring from Taka.

Spider web on at the traffic light. Good effort, keep it up spider!

When we got back to Wisma I bought a sports bra from cotton on body.

And my ELLE pillow.

Now I'll see my head's printing on the pillow just like that hand :D

With limbs that are very tired,

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