
Monday, November 3, 2008

Dior Lipstick a-ma's 73rd birthday celebration

Sometimes I wonder will I be able to live to an age as old as my grandma. 73 years old seem so far away and when the time comes you'll need to have a lot of money for botox and skin firming.
I'll just change my skin care product to SK-II and perhaps I'll be able to scratch botox and skin firming then tour around the world with my husband?

Sounds like a good idea uh?

Anyhow, I had my Social Studies paper today which simply means O level is coming to an end soon! Shopping will come nearer and nearer so does the day my wallet suffer from anorexia. Yipee!

As usual, these pastries were given to every family and a-ma's so generous that she'll buy abalone and give it to all of us during Chinese new year. Even her ang bao is more than what my father will give us. Plus she have 22 grandchildren! OMG.

Now I really gonna stop being cheapskate and be generous. I swear I gonna be generous and happy and outgoing and kind and caring and fierce like my a-ma.

I was flipping through my SS textbook, having totally no idea what to read and eventually hug the book while watching Tv.


I was dying to find out which profile suits me the most and took alot of photos and you'll later on find out that I'm actually photogenic!! or so I supposed.

Have more milk and milk product for strong teeth and bones. And braces for straight set of teeth.

I better get good results for my O else I'll be living with crooked teeth for the rest of my life.

Look as though I'm hold my laughter.


Should I extend my hair??
I've been pondering about it ..

My nose looks sharp over here.


After so much, we reached Red House seafood restaurant. I don't know why are they downgrading. From my jiu gong's no signboard restaurant to jumbo then to red house. And now I found out its all seafood restaurant.

The infamous peace and my spastic looking face.

My dior lipstick a-ma.
Don't leave any nasty comment(s) or I'll make sure you feel angry.

The food.

Mango sago pudding.

The birthday cake. Plain durian.

Make a wish~
And I just got told that my birthday will be spent in HongKong. Should I be happy or what?

More photos..

The guy who refused to buy me my heels and all (dad) at the back ground but I still love him alot :D

Great pictures with lousy camera!!

Gonna mug for F&N.

With love and F&N textbook,

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