
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Graduation Day!!

Finally I'm officially out of Junyuan Sec! Oh Lord, please let me get into Tp. I don't wanna retain or go no where, it's so gonna be a miserable feeling.

Yesternight I was looking at my uniform hanging on my closet and became nostalgic. All those flashback about my Sec 1 life even the distinguish smell came back (actually I was forcing myself to create those flashback). Just to remember how it felt.

Huili came to my house and left for school together and we saw Xueli by the traffic light. She dyed her hair already. I love my hair colour just as it is.

Went to a random class, gathered there and had our attendance taken.

I did non of those on top.

Smile :D
That's Huili.
Pardon my messy hair and all. I was in school remember?

Please don't say I looked ugly.
We were queuing up and waiting for our grant entrance into the hall.

Our class photo.
Spot me!!

We sat and waited for the other classes to come in one by one.. There's 8.

The last class.

At the end of everything we were given a disc which have all the photos of us taken since sec 1. How nice.

Who is that??

It's the our principal, Mrs oh.
I shall not bother but everybody I know dislikes her, hates her and thinks she is really unreasonable and aloof. Even some of the teachers.

She's this small from the camera.

My hair.

We are typical Singaporean.. When everything ended all stood up and walked away.

To the inferior buffet. I know we can't expect much from buffet but the only thing that's of average are the fried fishballs and sandwiches.

Okay okay! Photo time!.

Me an Mr vanan.

The guy who taught us English for 2 years and a guy who I recently told him what's bugging me since March. I told him every single detail about what had happened just like how I tell my friends but he was the only one that enlighten me and made me think that I am way way better than what I thought I am. Just naive.

P/s: His a guy who is racist against his own religion :D and supports Arsenal.

Me and Mrs Shankar aka Mummy!

She taught me lit when I was sec 1, 3, and 4. Have 2 adorable children (boy and girl) and a husband who she dated for 7 years before getting married and he was.. Man. I'm giving too much details. She's our beloved mummy!

Mr Koh and me!

Our new Geography teacher. Initially we dislike him a a lot but time will will let you see a person's heart. His really a thoughtful teacher. On the day of our geography paper, he prepared a lot of Photostatted protractor on the transparency and strings for us knowing that many of us would have clean forgotten about it. Though we don't need it for the paper but the act was felt.

Ms Cheong and Me.

She's my form teacher for Sec 2. The year when I was totally rebellious or not that rebellious. I went to school acting like a slut and trying to attract honey bees cause I couldn't handle a break up with some clown (as described by Vanan) even though 2 months had passed. She didn't dislike me just because of my behaviour but actually talked to me (I'm not that bad lah).

Me and Mr Alsagolf aka the great one / his majesty

He came to our school when I was sec 2 and gave us strenuous training - running, crunches and pumping in 45 minutes - but I still love him a lot a lot. Cause he said I'm pretty :D I'm so realistic.
That's not the case uh. His funny and outgoing. Who doesn't like a funny teacher? Plus his not those that follow the rules blindly and afraid that the students will complain him.

Mdm Teo and me.

I don't know what should I say. She taught me F&N since sec 1 excluding sec 2. She is the only one that pay attention to my nails and ask me to cut them when we are in the midst of a test or before a practical. Oh yeah, she buys us biscuits too. thanks.

Group photo.
Boys from left: Roger, Jeremy Zhang, Jervyn and Junior.
Girls from left: Xueli and Michelle.

Jonas and me.

His the tallest in class - 185cm. Growing 2cm every 3 months and makes me wonder why can't I grow taller by just 4cm. Oh dear, I'm not tall. His achievements is just as tall as him. I dreamt of him for a few times this year. Still got. He is a fan of Manchester United and always kick the plastic bottle into the bin.

Me and Amos.

Dimples. Smile. Famous Amos. His a gentleman and you won't see him screaming at a girl just like any other rough thing. Lost his wallet this year and found it back 3 days later with someone coming to our class passing it to him. We've been in the same class since sec 2. LOOK AT OUR TEETH!

ChoonKiat and me.

Sec 1! I know him since sec 1 and we got along really well. I entrusted him with some of my important secrets which I doubt he'll ever know that its actually a secret.

Ben and me.

Ben ben ben. He used to stay opposite my BLK and every time I'll see him going to NTUC to purchase grapes cause in Thailand its like $8.50 per punnet. Here, its nothing expensive.
His a top student!!

These are huili's photos.

I don't know this guy.

Our class photos.

The guys from out class. Each of them ace in some subject, aren't they great?

Alex and me.

Me and Alex.

His not from my class.

Jonas Jonas Jonas. I'm still shorter.

Sebast. His not from my class too.

The guy that have a hard stomach. I reckon those hard stuffs are pack.

I'm officially Junyuan's Alumni!!

Ms Ng wrote all this cause her 2 is upside down.

P/s: I'm going to town with twin (stepharina), ariyani and don't who tomorrow. My wallet gonna suffer from anorexia

With love,

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