
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Haji lane~

After I'm back from Haji Lane yesterday, I've been saying Haji Lane like a drug addict. You can't believe how much I love there.

The atmosphere is like no other places, most importantly there's very very little people. The good thing about not having enormous amount of readers is that when you say you like this place cause its peaceful, you won't go back and see a lot of people there.
So I don't have to murder myself when I go back to Haji Lane. Hooray!

'ah.. Haji Lane~'

It's really nice to wake up and have a bottle of chilled bird nest before you have anything else. Yet my mum had to quarrel with me over 6 small bottles of bird nest.

She was going on and on about how I will finish all and my sis and her won't have the chance to drink any one bottle. I'm no monster that will drink them up before she can reach them. Its not the 7th lunar month.

Me, mum, sis and bro went to Bugis. Bought beardpapasweets. I know I'm getting fatter and its time for me to start my diet.
I'll start tomorrow (:

I'm eating myself - eclair.

We walked to Arab street and saw a big golden bird.

Inside this building, there's a 3-storey tall glass cabinet that is recorded in Guinness world record. There was lots of liquor and you need to tie yourself to a string, someone to bring yourself up and get the liquor. Cool huh?
I didn't know if outsiders are allowed to get in so we only peep through the door.

Soon we reached Haji and were welcomed by 4 lover birds. Aren't they sweet? 4 in a cage and still stay happy or so it seems?

A bowl of tortoise.

Close up and you'll see 2 babies riding on another big one.

Cat women.
That person's art is real good. My drawing is worst than my bro's, I can only draw stick man. Aunt is asking me to learn crotchet and knitting with her. No more boring holiday!

The guy who went missing.

We continued down the street and saw baby parrots. Aww~ So cute.

Another bird. Mum prompt us to move forward and quickly cause she have never been to Haji Lane and thinks that everything there was scary.

The emptiness there was great.

My camera battery got a bit sot and became low real soon. I just changed the battery and the next time I on it, it started to run low. Damn it. Really hate the feeling of my things spoiling. Camera, laptop and what's next? Yeah, handphone.

Arab street 89.

Brilliant lot of crystals that girls like me adore. I stand and squat and eventually sat down on the floor then I remember that there are 3 uncles helping out.

They really like to talk about XiaXue. The other time I went there they were talking about her and how often she goes there.

We made our way back to Bugis and this time, we saw 3 tortoise on 1. Must be very heavy right?

The crystals we bought.

Go to Diaso and buy the crystals glue at $2 instead of $8. You'll save a lot.

Got a free red BHG folder when we combined 2 receipts together.
& I bought shoes again :D

I got home and started to zng my phone even before I wash up.

Ta dah! My end product.

Haji Lane is conquering my mind!

With Haji Lane all over,

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