
Sunday, November 30, 2008

3 days with benefit

I was supposed to attend the blogger blood drive with all the nuffnangers and who knows my sis got me a part time job. And my mum have this thinking that blood donation is bad. It saves life and help the hospitals to earn money cause a packet of 450ml blood is sold for $200 (I think so).

Allowance have always been my source of finance till Friday.

All the cosmetic sold there were on crazily low price!

If anybody give you creaseless cream, rouge, lipgloss ( certain colour), liquid foundation, speed brow, high brow, boi-ing (02 and 03), get even (02 and 03), lemon aid, lust dust or their perfume ( maybe baby and b-spot) for your birthday or Christmas, you know where they get it from.

Oh my, I'm so evil :D The huge price difference really make you think that buying their product at $44 or above is a waste of money cause it was sold between a range of $10 to $55.
& So I bought 2 items.

Liquid foudation and lemon aid. I wanted to get boi-ing but the shades they had were too dark for me.

There's another sale coming up!! I saw this at Fidelis's blog.

Who is going??

On the first day I went there for stock taking and..

arranging the things on sale.

They had brushes too.

Gonna bitch a little.

The women in blue was speaking real loud through out the 3 days even when there's lots of customer you can still hear her voice clearly and telling the girls how they should dress because of different type of shoulder wideness, hip ya da ya da when she's so fucking ....

Totally no fashion sense and her make-up is worst than mine. Just look at my about-to-fall lashes. Her's is eww~

End of bitching.

After my first day of 2 hours work, I went to meet sis and her boyfriend at Bugis.

Had Ramily and I didn't know it is so yummy (my first time eating it).

ZhiXiong (sis's boyfriend): other than chicken and beef you got what?
Uncle: Only like this.
Me: Of course is chicken and beef la! If not what? Pork meh?!

Within 5 hours the favourite items were sold and what's left was still there even till the sales ended.

And I'm thinking about working as cashier at Tangs cause they have fabulous welfare and nice people like Su and Alicia (cashier at the sale). But I can't blog...

Anyhow, Christmas is coming in 26 days!! And I'm going to cut my hair before 2009 cause that's when they increase the price till Chinese New Year is over. We cannot cut our hair during CNY, remember?

With love,

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