
Thursday, November 6, 2008

I went to a church!! - Nick Vujicic

Man! I refused to title my post with just Nick Vujicic cause its my... 1st time staying at a church for so long that at the end of the day I just wanna sleep.

I'm startng to have blog debts!! Can't be happier than that. When you have number of post and photographs queuing up to appear on your blog it simply means you have a life. How can someone who stays at home the whole day possibly have things to blog about?
Unless their house caught fire something.

Anyway, I know you're only interested in pictures and reading short paragraph. Afterall how many love to read wordy wordy post. But I shall not bother.

Nick Vujicic service was at Paya Lebar - Heart of god church (HGC). It went on for 2 consecutive days, 4th and 5th of november.

Small group waiting outside the church..

In we go through a gate.

Why is it call Nick Vujicic service??

Now you see more people people than before. The program was opened up to everybody which means the public too. It was posted on the straits time.

We're the VIP with neon yellow sticker. Brought in by huili, xueli and liyue (all li li li).

Mian. There was a long queue while we wait to take the lift which seemed slow that day.

Up it go.
Don't take it if you have heights.

We're at the front of the queue already. All you see is heads and hair plus a lot of squares covering zhang's face.

Coming down coming down.

waiting for lift..
God. This post gonna be one with lots of short caption. I don't wanna offend any christian reading my blog. I hate it when people come to me and go, "can you remove ___ from your blog?"

I felt as though I did something and think about it the whole day.

I don't have heights!!

At the enterance.

At our seat.

Pile of envelope to be given out. It has HGC magazine and all inside.

Went there with Ken, Joel and Guo Yan. The lady with tresses is liyue.
At first I thought the 3 guys were totally boring but I was proven wrong! They were totally funny and nice to be with.

Evelyn at start.
Do you remember the cute lady with a squicky voice from kids central?? It's her.

After they worrshipped the man came out! Or rather his video.

He was amazing. With no limbs, he could walk, swim, ride a horse, skate and got a double degree for commence and finance plus a president of 2 company. Impressive uh?
Now you tell me what's not possible.

Pardon my lousy camera. It gave me blur pictures.

There's him walking and.. preaching.

Now you see him. He said alot.. I'll just tell you the non-religious stuff.

He went to the beach one day and he stood there looking at the sea. There was this aunty who came up to him and said, "How you took to bury your legs into the sand?" assuming that he hid his arms. "A long long time" he replied. They had a little causal conversation and the aunty walked away. Nick was waiting for her to turn back and he started walking..
The aunty went, "AHHH!!!"

When everything ended, there was a hug line formed and I queued up too :D What's better than queuing? I'm a Singaporean!!

Ta dah! I hugged him.
This is the ugliest photo I've ever posted.

Took MRT home after their supper. Walked home with Joel, huili and Guoyan.
Gonna thanks guoyan for sending me home. Thanks :]

With lots of love,

P/s: i didn't check for spelling error. Check for me.

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