
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Samsung Reacts To EU Injunction On Samsung Galaxy Tab

If these are look alike, At lease Samsung has a longer one than Steve Jobs.

Samsung Reacts To EU Injunction

Finally Samsung has responded to Samsung Galaxy Tab Injunction in EU. I think it is time IBM sue Apple for look like (not alike) PC.

May be time to ship Galaxy Tab to Eastern Europe, Turkey :)

“Samsung is disappointed with the court’s decision and we intend to act immediately to defend our intellectual property rights through the ongoing legal proceedings in Germany and will continue to actively defend these rights throughout the world.

The request for injunction was filed with no notice to Samsung, and the order was issued without any hearing or presentation of evidence from Samsung.

We will take all necessary measures to ensure Samsung’s innovative mobile communications devices are available to customers in Europe and around the world.

This decision by the court in Germany in no way influences other legal proceedings filed with the courts in Europe and elsewhere.”

Via Toms Guide

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