
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

with Daphanie who loves fashion n’constantly updating us on new collections  x Dawn who knows the road n’eating place in Singapore better than anybody I’ve known, life haven’t taken a 2nd upgrade towards happiness till I met’em. Not forgetting Pamela! xx

sadly, everybody other than myself stays in the nasty west but they were really lovely to come down n’bake with me. met boy for dinner (cannot not meet him for a day) before we left for Bugis’s hawker centre. Daph left after we reached there coz she was unwell :(

All the yummy food we can get from a single eating place, do I even need to tell people why I love SG?

Dawn a.k.a SG food directory x


As soon as we finished our dinner, the 4 of us went to catch Overheard 2 at Filmgarde, Iluma. The show took me awhile to understand coz I didn’t know how stock market works. Here’s us after the movie. [up n'down]

right after we got back in the car she suggested for us to go for dimsum -_________________________________-” at that moment I wish I have extremely high metabolism..

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