
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

January Jones covers W May 2011

2011 issue. 33-year-old X-Men: First Class star is showing off her stunning figure on the cover page as well as in an editorial titled “The Devil in Miss Jones”.
january jones w may 2011 issue
Photographed by Craig McDean and styled by Lori Goldstein, January is looking fierce wearing a Lisa Marie Fernandez swimsuit with vintage earrings, Tana Acton cuffs, and Giorgio Armani cuffs.
january jones w magazine cover may 2011
For the W Magazine May 2011 subscription cover, she wore Giorgio Armani jacket and gown. For W Magazine May 2011 photoshoot, January is decked in black just like cover pages wearing stylish designer attires like leather and wool tunic, strapless jumpsuit with chic accessories.
january jones w magazine cover
Here are excerpts from January Jones’s interview with W Magazine:
January Jones on her upcoming role as Emma Frost in X-Men: “As Emma Frost, I’m telepathic, and I can turn into a diamond, which means I’m very, very cold. I always wear white: lots of iridescent stretch leather, lots of sparkle, and ass-kicking white boots.”
january jones covers w magazine 2011
January Jones on the thought of getting marriage proposals at Comic-Con: “That’s perfect! Comic-Con is mostly male, and I don’t really have that audience. And, I’m really like a guy in a lot of ways. My screen saver is a picture of me with [NFL stars] Eli and Peyton Manning taken at the Kentucky Derby. The most starstruck I get is around football players.”

January Jones on moving to NYC as a model: 
“I was excited to be independent, but I was also naïve – I wanted to be rich and famous. I lived in an apartment near the Empire State Building. There were a billion girls in New York City who wanted to be models. After a while, I was immune to rejection, which helped when I went out to LA to become an actress.”
january jones w may 2011
January Jones on taking the role of Betty Draper: “There was no Betty in the pilot when I auditioned. I read for Peggy two times – it was between me and Elisabeth Moss who eventually got the part. At the end of the scene, there was a casual mention that Don was married. [Creator Matthew Weiner] went home that night and wrote two scenes that featured Betty. I auditioned a couple of days later, and he made me a verbal promise that the character would grow. I took the part on faith.’

January Jones 

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