
Thursday, August 25, 2011

rise n’shine

woke up at 8.30am for breakfast at Dempsey x Movie @ NEX before boy booked it at night. been waking up at 8am n’going to bed at 10pm so I’ll be able to wake up earlier during the weekends for better things. it takes more than I thought to force myself to fall asleep n’continue sleep when I wake up halfway for no apparent reason.
surprised by the queue waiting for tables when we reached there but the queue was made up of mostly foreigners. good to see so many waking up early w/ their kids or dogs (I typed gods -___-”).

in case i forgot the spelling..

  Jones Breakfast?

Forgot what is it called but it’s at the top of the menu. a typical Australian breakfast w/ sausages, bacon, bread n’eggs cooked just the way you want it. you’re sure to leave the place full n’satisfied.

  f l u f f y pancakes x

the pancakes I made at home is always flat as the pan. there’s something about pancake’s fluffiness that makes it so hard to achieve. this however is the fluffiest I’ve ever tried and desiccated coconut contributed to it’s sweetness.

 [ strawberry x banana milkshake ]

not a fan of banana. this shake is no exception. anything a banana lover’d prefer is something I don’t. can’t take the fragrance. it’s like durian to me. except that I love durian to death.

 Till Saturday morning x

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