
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


date dimana aku sbg seorang ibu yg menunggu dgn sabar kt dpn operation room HUKM dri pukul 7am-7pm. yes it's 12hrs without eating,resting just to make sure yg ashraf nyer operation utk COCHLEAR IMPLANT brjalan lancar...all in my mind was i want my baby selamat semuanya.with support from husband,family,relatives and friends,aku cuba gak berdoa and mohon pda allah taala yg semuanya selamat. surgeon yg asyik keluar masuk bilik operation just to tell us yg semuanya brjalan lancar tp still ada complication time operate tu aku start jdi risau..

when they(doctors) told me that ashraf's back ear ada gestures fluid tu mcm membengkak and amik masa utk buat fluid tu stop keluar dgn byk,once again aku xleh duduk diam.walaupun perut lapar and dahaga aku tetap gak tunggu ashraf. alhamdulillah suami suruh aku tenang walaupun at that time aku tgh angin ngan suami atas sbb tertentu,aku cuba gak lupakan masalah yg melanda aku n suami tp tumpu pda ashraf. suami yg belikan makan and minum tp aku xde selera nk mkn.

jgn kata xde selera mkn smpaikan nk pegi toilet utk buang air pun aku x sanggup nk tinggalkan tmpt menunggu jhl z, mza,nmkblkkkbhhklkwskskdekdbhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkwhkshwwq(oopppsss pesanan dri ashraf lak hehehehe)...

here are some pictures masa operation last year.......

1)this was early morning on19th august 2010..tgh get ready for him utk bawa dia ke operation this time my baby nangis nk minum air sbb dia kena puasa before he went to sleep at 10pm 18th august...mmg kesian sgt sbb doc mmg x bgi dia minum so penat gak la nk suruh dia relax.

2) ni lps operation after 12hrs and tgh nyenyak sbb ubat tido still working.. 

3)after 3 days bukak bandage...this is how it looks like on his back ears!

4) my happy little boy...dh ada selera mkn after operation since nurse paksa dia mkn sbb nk cabut mesin masuk air tu..buknnya ape dia takut dia trmuntah balik..

5) *wink* wooooo pandai ye kenyit mata kt mama!!!love u darling...

6) after switch on implant on 3rd september 2010...alhamdulillah dia recover cpt and almost a week dok dlm spital and of course i cannot tahan stay lama2 kt spital sbb kaki pun kebas do dlm aircond je and tido pun x selesa..

as the result lps implant ni yg dh masuk 1 year alhamdulillah ada perubahan dri sblm implan. cuma milestone and perkembangan dia agak trbatas skit sbb kes cochlear dia so he still need more attention and more lessons in speech therapy.

oklah lps ni byk lgi nk kena pikir utk ank aku ni...nk kena standby sekolah...sekolah mana yg boleh amik bdk cam dia ni!



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