
Friday, June 5, 2009

Flight to Aussie - 30/ 31 May

8.50am and I'm awake. I've been waking up early for no reason. Just look at the fine lines and wrinkles under my eyes. It's like I'm what? 40 years old?! Vex.
How on earth I slept late - 2am - yet wake up so early?

You can't imagine what a muddle head I was.
Of all the things I packed for the trip I thought I've got every thing with me till I was camwhoring in the cab. I LEFT MY MEMORY CARD AT HOME.

My family was going on and on asking why was I so blur? Why didn't I check before I go? Why this why that till I ask them to shut up. Picture 4 person questioning continuously.

Checked in and rushed to duty-free for memory card. And my dad was mean enough to ask me to pay for it myself.

Dad: Who ask you to leave something so important at home. Dock it from your allowance.
Me: Eeyer!!
Dad: You deserved it.

That's that. I can't argue with my dad.
Economy class. Sigh..

Singapore Airlines.
I find airplanes charming. Do you??

I wanna take first class~
Economy class gives me jet lag. Can't even fall asleep. So cramp!

Toothbrush and socks which I didn't use.
But I did brush my teeth.

I love packed meals =D
Someone make me a bento.

Ice-cream that I don't eat. Fact is I don't like anything sweet.
Still.. I'm kiasu so I took it. Had a bite and chucked it.

Before I left for Aussie I weighted myself cause there's people gaining 8kg when they go abroad - Hong Kong - and I don't want to return and weight 60kg plus!!
I gained 1kg >:(


And I'm was in Aussie already.
While Singapore is 31°C, Aussie's only 13°C.

Gonna go brush my teeth and have breakfast.
See ya!

Au revoir,

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